The Apache Software Foundation Board of Directors Meeting Minutes December 19, 2007 1. Call to order The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 (Pacific) and began when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by the chairman at 10:02. The meeting was held via teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent: US Number : 866-516-5393 International : 617-213-4221 IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes. 2. Roll Call Directors Present: Justin Erenkrantz J Aaron Farr Jim Jagielski Geir Magnusson Jr William Rowe Jr Sam Ruby Henning Schmiedehausen Greg Stein Henri Yandell Directors Absent: none Guests: Paul Fremantle Lars Eilebrecht 3. Minutes from previous meetings Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL: A. The meeting of October 17, 2007 See: board_minutes_2007_10_17.txt Approved by General Consent. B. The meeting of November 14, 2007 See: board_agenda_2007_11_14.txt Unavailable for review. Tabled. 4. Executive Officer Reports A. Chairman [Jim] The month since the last board meeting has been a busy one for the ASF. First, of course, was the success (both critical and financial) of the ApacheCon US 2007 show in Atlanta. Secondly, an ASF special members meeting was held, via irc, on December 11th through the 13th. The main item of business was the election of new members into the ASF ranks. There were 40 candidates nominated, 32 of which were elected in. Invitation letters to those elected in have been sent, and we have received acceptance from a large number already. Turn out on the meeting was acceptable, with over 85 members attending the meeting (as applied to quorum requirements) and with around 99 members casting ballots. Due to scheduling mistakes, 2 executive officers were not present during the 1st half of the meeting but attended and reported during the 2nd half. As expected, the meeting and election process re-kicked off discussion regarding what makes a good member, what are the responsibilities of membership, whether there should be some sort of automatic emeritus status mechanism in place and the pros and cons of the ssh-based voter tool. Whether these discussions will actually lead to any concrete and actionable proposals remains to be seen. A more formal Year In Review report will be presented at the January 2008 meeting, but in general, we have seen healthly activity at the PMC level with good progress within the Incubator and good graduation-to-TLP with the Incubator and Jakarta projects, with initial efforts of the WS project to also promote subprojects to TLP status. Even with all this, from an oversight point-of-view, I see no potential problems with us scaling to handle this growth. Discussion: a request was made that the chair posts meeting attendance information from previous members meetings. Jim agreed to pursue. B. President [Justin] As mentioned in the last report, the infrastructure team has met and discussed a variety of items over the past month. For the time being, we continue to stay afloat through the work of our contracted sysadmin augmented by many volunteers. In the past few weeks, a number of folks (some who have helped out in the past) have expressed a desire to help with some tasks and access has been granted accordingly. I'm hopeful that we continue to see volunteers bridge the gap between our available resources and our needs. Longer-term, the infrastructure team has devised an acquisition strategy for the next eighteen months that will oversee the replacement of critical servers (including Subversion, mailing lists, and issue trackers) and expanding the range of services we can provide to our projects (build farms, staging servers, etc.). The plan, submitted as Attachment 8, calls for staggered hardware expenditure totalling almost $60,000 for the next eighteen months. Please note that these costs may get offset as or when vendors offer to donate equivalent hardware. We have had discussions with some sponsors about donations - we expect some but not all of these plans to come to fruition. Therefore, we expect to cover the balance of the plan through our own funds. So, consider the $60,000 as the high-end if no donations come through. Also note that other expenditures may come up for maintenance of existing machines - this plan only covers upgrading existing machines but not maintenance. Stats: Committers: 1625 Projects: 57 SVN Revisions: r603264 Web stats: Nov '07 Avg. requests/day: www: 3,747,600 ; svn: 918,588 ; issues: 457,004 Nov '07 Avg. data transfer/day: www: 1.02 TB ; svn: 10.41 GB ; issues: 7.72 GB See: Mail stats: Connections (Dec. 7, 2007): nike: 1,441,060 (99.29% rej.) ; athena: 1,358,704 (99.34% rej.) Most useful plugins: check_goodrcptto (57%), dnsbl (29%) Discussion: * a question was asked about the hardware and our colo requirements. Justin responded that this was all covered by the plan. * a second question was asked about whether the existing sysadmin support was sufficient, or would additional hiring be required? Justin indicated that he thought we were OK for now, but this would likely need revisiting in 18 months. None of the directors were opposed to the proposal. C. Treasurer [J Aaron] Google and HP have provided the remainder of their sponsorship donations. Otherwise, very little activity. We had a series of $0.01 paypal donations from a single individual. I'm following-up to determine what the donor's intentions are. Paypal $ 3,917.93 ($+ 1,137.52) Checking $136,421.93 ($- 3,061.80) Savings $155,934.44 ($+ 530.88) Total $296,274.30 ($- 1,393.40) Discussion: * There was a request for more details. In particular, "significant" contributions and expenditures should be itemized. As well as a budget. And a published tax return. (Justin took last item as a todo). D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Sam] No report submitted. 5. Additional Officer Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 1 No report submitted. B. VP of JCP [Geir] See Attachment 2 A question was asked reguarding the cost of joining SPEC. Geir indicated that the goal was free. Justin noted that previous attempts to join this organization faltered on this issue. Approved by General Consent. C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Greg] See Attachment 3 Approved by General Consent. D. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Will Glass-Husain / Sam] See Attachment 4 Report missing. Discussion deferred to Special Order 7C. E. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / Justin] See Attachment 5 OSSummit is still postponed: a new target date should be established in 4-6 weeks. The new date is still expected to be in 2008. The report was modified to indicate that the contract with SCP is *through* 2010 instead of merely being *until* 2010. We discussed limiting archive access initially to just the concom members and the board -- this received quite a bit of opposition. Henri to draft an email for Joe to automate sending periodically (suggestion: monthly) to leakage sensitive lists like this one and legal-internal. Beyond that, the main concern is to limit the number of posters, not the number of readers. Approved by General Consent as modified. F. Apache Audit Project [Henri Yandell] See Attachment 6 Approved by General Consent. G. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski] See Attachment 7 Approved by General Consent. 6. Committee Reports A. Apache APR Project [Bill Rowe] See Attachment A Approved by General Consent. B. Apache Cayenne Project [Andrus Adamchik / Henri] See Attachment B A question was raised as to whether or not this represented a targetted donation, something we have never allowed. Justin confirmed that he was in the loop and that this hardware is shared by multiple projects, despite how the wording of this report may lead one to think otherwise. Approved by General Consent. C. Apache Commons Project [Torsten Curdt / Jim] See Attachment C It was agreed that notifying the individual before notifying the board is an acceptable practice. Approved by General Consent. D. Apache Excalibur Project [Carsten Ziegeler / Henning] See Attachment D Approved by General Consent. E. Apache Felix Project [Richard Hall / Bill] See Attachment E Geir to follow up with Richard to see if there is any synergy between the JCP work and the OSGi work, and to coordinate obtaining the TCK for JSR 291. Approved by General Consent. F. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / J Aaron] See Attachment F Approved by General Consent. G. Apache Harmony Project [Tim Ellison / Geir] See Attachment G Approved by General Consent. H. Apache HttpComponents Project [Erik Abele / J Aaron] See Attachment H Sam to follow up on the jcifs license issue (lgpl?) Approved by General Consent. I. Apache iBATIS Project [Ted Husted / Greg] See Attachment I Approved by General Consent. J. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Henning] See Attachment J Sam to follow up on the ruby license issue. Approved by General Consent. K. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Jukka Zitting / Justin] See Attachment K Approved by General Consent. L. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / Geir] See Attachment L Approved by General Consent. M. Apache JAMES Project [Serge Knystautas / Henri] See Attachment M Report missing apparently due to a confusion over scheduling. N. Apache Labs Project [Stefano Mazzocchi / Bill] See Attachment N Approved by General Consent. O. Apache Lucene Project [Doug Cutting / Sam] See Attachment O Approved by General Consent. P. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Justin] See Attachment P Report missing. Jim to pursue a new schedule for Maven reports. Q. Apache OFBiz Project [David E. Jones / Henning] See Attachment Q Approved by General Consent. R. Apache Portals Project [David Sean Taylor / J Aaron] See Attachment R Sam to find somebody on the legal committee to help David navigate the legal issues. Approved by General Consent. S. Apache Quetzalcoatl Project [Gregory Trubetskoy / Jim] See Attachment S Approved by General Consent. T. Apache ServiceMix Project [Guillaume Nodet / Geir] See Attachment T Approved by General Consent. U. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Justin Mason / Greg] See Attachment U Approved by General Consent. V. Apache Tiles Project [Greg Reddin / Henri] See Attachment V Henri to work with Greg Reddin to find a champion Approved by General Consent. W. Apache Tomcat Project [Mladen Turk / Bill] See Attachment W Approved by General Consent. X. Apache Web Services Project [Glen Daniels / Sam] See Attachment X Approved by General Consent. Y. Apache Wicket Project [Martijn Dashorst / Henri] See Attachment Y Justin to work with Wicket to get them to coordinate their events (which seem quite effective) with the PRC. Approved by General Consent. Z. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cezar Andrei / Greg] See Attachment Z Approved by General Consent. AA. Apache stdcxx Project [Martin Sebor / Jim] See Attachment AA Approved by General Consent. 7. Special Orders A. Establish the Apache Synapse Project WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to creating an extensible service bus runtime, capable of receiving, routing, transforming, mediating and monitoring messages and service interactions in differing formats over multiple protocols, for distribution at no charge to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to be known as "Apache Synapse Project", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Synapse Project be and hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of an extensible service bus runtime and of any such extensions based on this runtime; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Synapse" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Synapse PMC, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Synapse PMC; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Synapse PMC: * Rajith Attapattu * Eran Chinthaka * Glen Daniels * Ant Elder * Paul Fremantle * Deepal Jayasinghe * Oleg Kalnichevski * Ruwan Linton * Asankha Perera * Tijs Rademakers NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Paul Fremantle be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Synapse, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Synapse Project be and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Web Services Synapse subproject; and be it further RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache Synapse subproject encumbered upon the Apache Web Services Project are hereafter discharged. Special order 7A. Establish the Apache Synapse Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote. B. Change the Apache JAMES Project Chair WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Serge Knystautas to the office of Vice President, Apache JAMES, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Serge Knystautas from the office of Vice President, Apache JAMES, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache JAMES project has chosen by vote to recommend Danny Angus as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Serge Knystautas is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache JAMES, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Danny Angus be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache JAMES, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special order 7B, Change the Apache JAMES Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote. C. Terminate the Apache Travel Assistance Committee WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache Travel Assistance Committee, an ASF Board Committee, due to the lack of involvement and activity within the committee WHEREAS, the Apache Travel Assistance Committee is unable to further fulfill the responsibilities of promoting and facilitating attendance at events which are of interest to ASF projects by individuals within the ASF community at-large whom would otherwise not be able to attend due to financial constraints NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Travel Assistance Committee be and hereby is no longer responsible for the promoting and facilitating attendance at events which are of interest to ASF projects by individuals within the ASF community at-large whom would otherwise not be able to attend due to financial constraints; and be it further RESOLVED, that Will Glass-Husain is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache Travel Assistance Committee; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Travel Assistance Committee" is hereby terminated; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Travel Assistance Committee is hereby terminated Special order 7C, Terminate the Apache Travel Assistance Committee, was approved by Unanimous Vote. 8. Discussion Items * Third party licensing. What's the status? This was asked at the Members meeting. Sam promised a status update at the next meeting. 9. Review Outstanding Action Items * HiveMind - did not discuss what should happen with HiveMind as there was community activity on the mailing list. 10. Unfinished Business 11. New Business 12. Announcements 13. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 11:26 am (Pacific) ============ ATTACHMENTS: ============ ----------------------------------------- Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Legal Affairs ----------------------------------------- Attachment 2: Report from the VP of JCP Things were generally quiet, with some activity around NDAs and TCK access. The highlight of this month was the quarterly JCP EC F2F meeting held in Marlborough, a frigid suburb of Boston. Held in a barn heated by a woodstove in the corner, the closest seats to which where appropriated and viciously defended by the repectable gentlemen from IBM and the ASF, the meeting was very well attended (probably the best F2F attendence in literally years) and has been noted publicly elsewhere, the meeting concentrated on the "future of the JCP". Led by Doug Lea, it really was a refreshing and open discussion. Due to the letter and spirit of the confidentiality restrictions of the event, I cannot report publicly any details other than what I did, but will file a note to the members list later on this week. As part of the discussion, I noted that for whatever reason, Sun has not offered a JSR for Java SE 7, despite publicly talking about such a version, and creating a project at OpenJDK to work on the RI for the same. Given that it has been 12 months since the release of Java SE 6, it clearly was time to move with Java SE 7 in order to prevent Java from falling even further behind other computing platforms. I asked that Sun, as the spec lead for Java SE 6, to please bring forth a JSR for Java SE 7 for vote by the EC, and be sure that such JSR made it clear that there would be no FOU or other restrictions that could prevent any independent implementation from being distributed under the terms of choice by the implementor. Failing that, I noted that the ASF was ready to lead or co-lead such a JSR, and if vetoed by Sun due to their special rights under the JSPA, we'd lead JSRs to add new features and extensions to Java SE 6 as non-platform JSRs. More will be in the report to the membership, but I will report there that I'm cautiously optimistic that things are moving in the right direction. I believe that while the JCP hasn't "turned the corner", it's clear that it's recognized that there's a corner to turn around, and there is clear activity and movement to figure out if we can. Note : while not directly related to the office of VP, JCP, I'd like to approach SPEC to attempt to secure benchmark suites for Apache Harmony (and other projects). If there are any objections or suggestions, please let me know ----------------------------------------- Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project This month saw the completion of some vulnerabilities in the HTTPD project reported via JPCERT although the co-ordination process took a lot of effort considering the low severity of the issues. There continues to be a steady stream of reports of various kinds arriving at These continue to be dealt with promptly by the security team. For Nov 2007: 4 Support question 1 Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report 4 Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache" 3 Vulnerability report ----------------------------------------- Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee ----------------------------------------- Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project General News ------------ * New Committee Member The conference committee has voted to add Martin van den Bemt as new member. Martin received 6 +1 votes (and no other votes). The change was acknowledged by the board (Henning Schmiedehausen) on November 16, 2007. * Renewal of SCP Contract The ApacheCon contract with SCP has an evergreen clause, and the conference committee has voted to renew the contract. This extends the contract with SCP through 2010. * Meet the Producer A "Meet the Producer" session was held at ApacheCon US 2007, November 13 to discuss ApacheCon. Fewer ASF members than expected attended the meeting, but the feedback and discussions have been very constructive, and ConCom will be - as far as possible - trying to address the issues or future conferences. * New concom-site Mailing List A new mailing list (concom-site at has been created with the purpose of discussing and developing a new Conference Management System. Conference Overview ------------------- * ApacheCon US 2007 Location and date: Atlanta, November 12-16, 2007 Lead: Rich Bowen Planning list: Producer: Stone Circle Productions, Inc. * OSSummit Asia 2008 (joint-conference with Eclipse Foundation) Location and date: (location and date to be defined) Leaders: J Aaron Farr, Justin Erenkrantz, Noirin Shirley Planning list: Producer/Owner: OSSummit LLC * ApacheCon Europe 2008 Location and date: Amsterdam, April 7-11, 2008 Lead: Noirin Shirley Co-Lead: Lars Eilebrecht Planning list: Producer: Stone Circle Productions, Inc. * ApacheCon US 2008 Location and date: New Orleans, November 3-7, 2008 Lead: Shane Curcuru Co-Lead: Noel J. Bergman Planning list: Producer: Stone Circle Productions, Inc. * ApacheCon Peru 2008 (name not final yet) An Apache-related conference may be co-hosted with the VISION 2008 conference in Lima, Peru. Details are being discussed and no final decisions have been made yet. ApacheCon US 2007 News ---------------------- * The conference in Atlanta finished successfully. According to Charel Morris of SCP, the conference has been profitable. The exact details will be provided once we receive the final profit & loss statement from SCP. ApacheCon Europe 2008 News -------------------------- * The schedule of speakers has been finalized, and all speakers have been notified November 28. * An initial version of the Europe 2008 Web site is live since December 4th. * Registration is planned to be opened by the end of January 2008. OSSummit Asia 2008 News ----------------------- * OSSummit LLC and the planning team is still in the process of finding a new date and location. The conference will remain in China, but it may not be Hong Kong again. A final decision has not been made yet. ApacheCon US 2008 News ---------------------- * The Call for Papers is planned to be opened January/February 2008. The planning meeting will be held the weekend after ApacheCon Europe in Amsterdam. ApacheCon Peru 2008 News ------------------------ No news since last board report. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Audit Project No activity this month. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 7: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project Justin and Jim met with HALO while at ApacheCon to discuss some very preliminary ideas regarding pure marketing and community outreach. A HALO contact was added to the PRC mailing list. The big news is that we have a new Platinum Sponsor, Yahoo!. This was "announced" at ApacheCon during the State Of The Feather, but Y! just released their PR a week ago. There was some discussion regarding re-adding a "hardware section" to our Thanks page, with 2 main categories: Hosting Providers and Equipment Providers. The latter would be a simple plain-text notice. Jason van Zyl requested the approval for the use of the name MavenForge, designed to be a site that provides infrastructure for groups developing Maven-related tools and applications. Both the PRC and the Maven PMC are mulling over if this is a good idea or not. A Terracotta PR was forwarded to the PRC for approval; it had a very tight turnaround time, with the result that 2 semi-conflicting messages were relayed to Terracotta. Nonetheless, they worked with us to incorporate the changes. This is something that we will really need HALO to help with - making our processes and procedures for handling external PR requests (and feedback) clear and defined both internally and externally. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 8: Infrastructure Machine Plan Acquisition strategy through May 2009; bottom line figure is $58,900. Key features: - Replace our aging IBM x345s which are currently the cornerstone of our infrastructure - they are nearing 4 years old. - Stagger replacements so as not to do it all in one go - Gets a SVN mirror in EU - Equip a respectable build farm - Equip for CMS 'thing-ma-bob' with staging + 2 prod servers The specifics of the machines may change, but this is an overall plan. Acquisition strategy: - OSL: Stay relatively power-neutral for next 4-6 mos; expand after then - SARA: Expand to 20U 'early next year' (pushing for Feb.) - x345s: Acquired in late 2003 / hermes prod in Feb. 2004 - Helios: In-service approx. April 2005 Decision: Base configuration: stick with x2200M2 with SATA drives --- Base equipment costs [as of 10/28/2007]: Machine: - x2200 M2 - 1x 2210 / 2GB / No drives: $1619/ea (incl. tax+shipping) - x2200 M2 - 2x 2218 / 8GB / No drives: $3871/ea (incl. tax+shipping) - x4150 - 1x Intel E5320 (1.86GHz; Quad) / 2GB / No HDD: $3082/ea (incl. t&s) Machine extras: - CPU: AMD Opteron 2210 (1.8GHz): $179/ea from Newegg CPU: AMD Opteron 2218 (2.6GHz): $455/ea from Newegg - RAM: DDR2 PC2-5300 ¥ CL=5 ¥ Registered ¥ ECC ¥ DDR2-667 ¥ 1.8V 2GB sticks from Crucial: $135/ea [Buy in pairs] 8GB (4x2GB) -> $600 (incl. tax) [$581.81] 16GB (8x2GB) -> $1200 32GB (16x2GB)-> $2400 Storage: - Hitachi A7K1000 750GB SATA drive: $230/ea from Newegg - Seagate ES.2 1TB SATA drive: $339.99/ea from Newegg - Factor $250 for 750GB; $350 for 1TB Derived cost for manual upgrade of base x2200 config: - 2x 2210 / 10GB / 2x 750GB -> $2919/ea ($3000/ea) - 2x 2210 / 10GB / 2x 1TB -> $3119/ea ($3200/ea) 2nd-level x2200 config: - 2x 2218 / 8GB / 2x 750GB -> $4371/ea ($4400/ea) 3rd-level x2200 config: - 2x 2218 / 8GB / 2x 1TB -> $4571/ea ($4600/ea) - 2x 2218 / 16GB / 2x 1TB -> $5171/ea ($5200/ea) - 2x 2218 / 32GB / 2x 1TB -> $6371/ea ($6400/ea) x4150 config: - 1x E5320 / 4GB / 6x 750GB -> $4982/ea ($5000/ea) --- Helios [Solaris zones]: 13x 750GB SATA drives = $3250 Battery backup replacement (Jan-Feb): $450 [370-5545-BAT] Conditional: Needs correct braces from Sun; ETA next week @ OSL. Purchase: December In-service: January Helios array total: $3700 --- Brutus [Issues: JIRA/Bugzilla/Confluence]: x2200 M2: 2x 2218s (4 cores) / 8GB RAM / 2x 1TB SATA / Linux x86_64 [ Atlassian will support via official Sun x86_64 JVM ] Purchase: December In-service: January @ OSL Expected price: $4600 --- SVN mirror @ SARA: x4150: 1 Quad-Core Xeon / 4GB RAM / 6x 750GB SATA / FreeBSD Conditional on: x4150 being available with SATA drives Purchase: Late Dec / Early January In-service: February @ SARA Expected price: $5000 [SARA box needs to be purchased thru Sun .NL; so may be more if in EUR.] -- Eris replacement [SVN @ OSL]: x4150: 1 Quad-Core Xeon / 4GB RAM / 6x 750GB SATA / FreeBSD Purchase: March (after SVN mirror @ SARA setup) In-service: April Expected price: $5000 -- Loki [cold-spare @ OSL]: x2200 M2: 2x 2210s (2 cores) / 10GB RAM / 2x 750GB SATA / FreeBSD Purchase: May In-service: June Expected price: $3000 -- Hermes [mail @ OSL]: x2200 M2: 2x 2210s (2 cores) / 10GB RAM / 2x 750TB SATA / FreeBSD Purchase: July In-service: August-September Expected price: $3000 -- Build farm (@ OSL) - stage 1: (2) x2200 M2: 2x 2210s (4 cores) / 16GB RAM / 2x 1TB SATA / Linux (VMWare Wks) Purchase: September In-service: October-November Expected price: $11,400 (2 @ $5200) -- Build farm (@ OSL) - stage 2: Apple xServe: 2x Dual-Core Intel Xeon / 1GB RAM / 80GB SATA Purchase: January '09 In-service: February '09 Expected price: $3200 ($2,999 + tax&shipping) -- CMS thing-ma-bob's: Staging @ OSL: x2200 M2: 2x 2210s (4 cores) / 32GB RAM / 2x 1TB SATA / Linux Prod @ OSL: x2200 M2: 2x 2210s (4 cores) / 32GB RAM / 2x 1TB SATA / Linux Prod @ SARA: x2200 M2: 2x 2210s (4 cores) / 32GB RAM / 2x 1TB SATA / Linux Purchase: February '09 In-service: March-May '09 Expected price: $20,000 (3x$6400) [SARA box needs to be purchased thru Sun .NL; so may be more if in EUR.] ----------------------------------------- Attachment A: Status report for the Apache APR Project Activity has picked up since the previous board report. For the period Sept through Nov, we had some 365 commits to the core apr, apr-util and apr-iconv trunks by 19 active committers, many maintenance commits on the legacy branches, and some 15 APR and 8 APR-util bugs were resolved this period, with some 24 open bugs remaining. There were new 1.2 maintenance releases of all three libraries, and an 0.9 apr maintenance release in this period. No significant pressure has occurred to push to the next 1.3 or 2.0 release, although several new API issues were raised and several patches have been committed and others are under consideration at this time. No new committers were added this past quarter. Twelve individuals who had committed in the past 12 months were nominated and invited to participate in the PMC. Of these, eight accepted and were added to the committee roster. They are Davi Arnaut, Jean-Frederic Clere, Max Bowsher, Martin Kraemer, Mladen Turk, Rüdiger Pluem, Guenter Knauf and Bojan Smojver. Chuck Murco left the committee as emeritus, while Ben Laurie, Jim Blandy, and Ralf Engelschall were removed from the roster after no response to requests confirming their ongoing participation in the PMC. This had no impact on their commit status; the request had the additional benefit of identifying one lost PMC member who since rejoined the pmc list, while Ralf has begun committing again, reaffirming the idea that it never hurts to just ask. ----------------------------------------- Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Cayenne Project Development ----------- * Active development of Cayenne 3.0. * Posted 3.0M2 development milestone release * Posted 2.0.4 stable release * Switched Cayenne 3.0 development to Java 1.5 from a mixed Java 1.4/1.5 setup after a poll on the user list revealed overwhelming community acceptance of requiring Java 1.5 for Cayenne 3.0. * Sun donated a server to ASF to be used for Cayenne test environment. Infra set it up for us. Cayenne developers took over from there, and now we are installing databases and CI software needed for Cayenne testing. Community --------- * Restored commit rights of a committer emeritus Andriy Shapochka * Activity on the user list is about average, on dev list is above average. ----------------------------------------- Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Commons Project General ======= o The process of electing PMC members and committers has been fixed in writing This brought up the question what should happen first: Ask whether the person wants to join the PMC before asking for the board's ack ...or first checking with the board so that a rejection is a more private affair and does not harm any feeling of the potential candidate. The general consensus was to check with the board first. If there any thoughts we are happy get some further feedback on this. o JDK compatibility has always been a strong contract at Commons. Support for older java version has always been very important. There still is not a single Commons component that made the move to java 5. It has been raised that this might become a problem in the future if we don't move forward on this. More and more users expect us to also provide them with libraries that make use of the features of new java platforms. This seems especially crucial for Commons Collections and Lang. The exact steps have not been decided yet but it seems like a separate package name and keeping the older libraries on a maintenance branch is a viable option. o Based on user activity is slowly declining while developer discussions have picked up a bit. o Quick news for some of the components: o Question has come up whether commons codec is thread safe - request for better documentation o More activity on commons jexl - discussion for a roadmap towards 2.0 o Discussion about moving commons jci fam (file alteration monitor) component from jci to io - overlap with commons vfs fam - no agreement how to move forward yet - options - keep in jci (already own jar) - own component (a bit small) - move into io (increases the size of io) o Again the question have been brought up about the status of commons cli 2.0 - working but no release - little activity - cli 1.1 introduced some showstoppers - other projects (like groovy) might look into other libraries instead o Concerns have been raised related to the retirement of Jakarta Slide. It was suggested that VFS could include an implementation of a webdav client. This has been rejected as out of scope. Releases ======== o Released - commons configuration 1.5 - commons logging 1.1.1 - commons parent pom 5 - commons skin 2 o Upcoming - commons SCXML 0.7 Infrastructure ============== o The maven based release process has been discussed and improved. o Created a pmc area in subversion with - board reports - tsu report - process templates (new committer/new pmc member) Community ========= o New committers - Jukka Zitting o New PMC member - James Carman - Ben Speakmon ----------------------------------------- Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Excalibur Project Highlights: * 1 new PMC members: Thomas Vandahl This quarter was a very quiet one - nearly zero activity, neither in the mailing lists nor in subversion, and no releases. By adding new committers and PMC members from the projects that are using Excalibur we now hopefully have established a solid base to maintain our users in the future. There are no known issues. ----------------------------------------- Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Felix Project Community * Added Felix Meschberger to the PMC. * Presented at ApacheCon in Atlanta; see writeup at InfoQ^ . * Discussion was raised on the mailing lists about defining a road map for officially releasing more subprojects. The general consensus is that we really need to start working on releases of all reasonably stable subprojects. Hopefully, this will start to happen over the next month or two. * Peter Kriens announced his desire to donate his FileInstall bundle; the paperwork has been started, but an official vote is needed. * Karl Pauls announced that he was able to get Felix working on Google's Android, see his blog^ ; we need to determine if we can incorporate his changes into the trunk. Software * Released 1.0.1 version of core Felix sub-projects (i.e., framework and main). This release fixed mostly minor bugs discovered since the prior release, although there were a few minor new features added as well. * Preparing 1.0.2 release of core Felix sub-projects (i.e., framework and main); changes to include: o Refinements to specification interpretation and/or compliance. (FELIX-383) o Additional improvements to make the framework easier to embed in other projects. (FELIX-359, FELIX-380, FELIX-388, FELIX-393, FELIX-414, FELIX-428) o Various small bug fixes. (FELIX-371, FELIX-381, FELIX-394, FELIX-416) * Updates to numerous subprojects, including iPOJO, Bundle Plugin, and SCR Plugin. * Clement Escoffier introduced the Maven OBR plugin, which makes it possible for us to generate bundle repository files for deploying bundles, which has been integrated with the Bundle Plugin. Licensing and other issues * The paperwork for Peter Kriens' grant was incorrectly recorded (his name, the company name, and the donated code were all misspelled), so we are trying to get that fixed. * Need to finalize OSGi TCK access by getting OSGi Alliance TCK license executed by the board, I would assume. ----------------------------------------- Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Gump Project Infrastructure: * no news is good news. Technical: * the Maven 2 experiments on the Solaris zone have been encouraging but limited because many projects either don't build on Java6 or depend on projects that don't. Stefan plans to merge the experimental stuff into the main Gump line of development during the next quarter. * We've turned off the Kaffee build. We never got far due to various Kaffee internal problems and right now no Gump contributor has spare cycles to spend on keeping the build going. Other: * still all Apache committers have access to metadata in svn. * no releases. ----------------------------------------- Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Harmony Project Summary ======= Apache Harmony is making good progress towards releasing a full Java SE implementation, and the community is working well. We are still looking to the Board to help resolve the JCK license issue. Development =========== The development team have been very busy since our last report. We declared Milestone build 5.0M3 on Oct 9, 2007, and since then have been working towards Milestone 4 which is scheduled for the week of Dec 17. The team is settling into a rhythm of delivering stable, well-tested, development drivers approximately every eight weeks. Besides the steady and continuous work of bug fixing and enhancements across all aspects of the codebase (over 570 JIRAs resolved/closed, and over 1000 commits since our last Board report), there has been noteworthy advancements in the following areas: * build-test infrastructure : regular testing of nightlies with more applications and scenarios. * code coverage : additional tests have improved functional coverage. * JIT : lots of new optimizations such as operator strength reduction, loop versioning, array/string search and comparison optimizations, and stack alignment when using SSE instructions; and new features such as bytecode-based edge profiling. * awt : printer job implementation. * nio : improvements in selector code, including epoll support. * pack200 : good progress on implementing this complex spec. * sql : implementing SQL rowset. * ldap : we now have a working ldap provider. * JVMTI : ported to x86_64 platforms (both Linux and Windows). * java 6 class library : steady progression towards Java 6 APIs. * platform support : support for full hardware addressability on 64 bit platforms, work on z/OS support. We also received a contribution of JVMTI Extension: Native Code Access Interface (NCAI) implementation by Intel which allows seamless debugging of Java and native code across the JNI boundary. At infra's request our stable milestone builds are being mirrored to reduce the pressure on ASF servers. However, we are keeping a number of snapshot builds and test results on-line to enable simpler regression analysis, and these can be quite large. Releases ======== We continue to look to the Board for a successful resolution to the JCK license impasse so that we can go for Java SE certification. After consultation with the Board and legal-internal, the Harmony PMC plan to make an end-user release available once we complete our best effort to demonstrate compliance with the specifications. We are 99% API complete for Java 5, and achieving a reasonable set of providers. Security ======== There were no reported security issues this period. Community ========= The community continues to operate in a healthy manner with a vibrant developer list. To facilitate broader community involvement we are in the process of translating some webpages, and now accept bug reports, in Russian and Chinese. A number of PMC members are fluent in these languages so can provide due oversight. The bug reports are translated into English by native speakers upon receipt. We are fortunate to have developers from EIOffice (a large Java office suite) contributing to Harmony's development effort, and have been encouraged to see the uptake of Harmony code in highly visible releases such as Google Android and IBM Java SDK. The PMC elected three new committers this period, Andrey A. Pavlenko, (Jimmy) Jing Lv, and Mikhail Markov; and one new PMC member, Xiao-Feng Li. There are currently 30 committers, ~21 of whom were active this period. ----------------------------------------- Attachment H: Status report for the Apache HttpComponents Project -- Status -- There are no items needing immediate attention of the board though it is worth to note that we had two releases in the meantime and that the move to TLP is nearly done. See below for more details. -- Releases -- This list includes all releases since our last report as a Jakarta sub-project in September 2007. 9 October 2007 - HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0 alpha 6 7 November 2007 - HttpComponents HttpClient 4.0 alpha 2 -- Community -- No new committers, the PMC still has the same composition as of the date of TLP approval: erikabele, antelder, asankha, olegk, oglueck, pzf, rolandw, sebb It is also worth to note that currently all active committers are also on the PMC. -- Migration -- We are nearly done moving out of Jakarta to our own dedicated TLP; there are still some minor things to be done but the PMC is actively working on getting everything in shape until end of the year. Items done: - Updated foundation records (internal & public) - Updated ASF Site (links, records, ...) - Created / moved mailing lists dev@/commits@/httpclient-users@/private@ hc.a.o - Created new TLP SVN tree and private pmc-specific SVN tree - Created DNS, Unix group and website space (redirects to hc.a.o) - Created dist location and archive location - Added raw mail archives, merged out of the old lists - Updated Jira components, links and mailing list notifications - Requested changes of mod_mbox archives as well as move of the wiki Items still in work: - Move of SVN contents - Move of wiki, see - Move of website when moved in SVN - Updating website with the new mailing lists, locations of svn, dist and wiki locations - Adding redirects for the old site/svn as soon as moved - Adding project-specific DOAP info ( - Updating Gump integration - Creating the bylaws, currently we're still operating under the previous Jakarta-specific bylaws -- Development -- After the HttpCore 4.0 alpha6 release, the Java version requirement question was raised once more by a contributor. We held a poll on the user list which showed zero interest in JDK 1.4 compatibility. We therefore upgraded the required Java version to 5.0 for everything but HttpCore-main. HttpCore-main remains compatible with Java 1.3 to facilitate a port to J2ME, if anyone wants to do that. HttpCore alpha6 was the last alpha, but we still made significant API improvements for the upcoming beta. The parsing API was changed to use cursors, and new iterators for header values were introduced. After the upgrade of the Java requirements, module HttpNIOSSL was merged into HttpNIO. HttpNIO now makes use of generics, and has also seen some improvements and extensions of its API. HttpClient 4.0 alpha2 was functionally mostly complete. Remaining gaps to 3.1 functionality are NTLM authentication and multipart request entities. NTLM authentication will be provided in a separate module. We still have to figure out whether we can host that module on Apache, since it will depend on L-GPL licensed jCIFS. None of the developers wants to maintain the NTLMv1 code from HttpClient 3.1. A multipart request entity is used for file uploads, and for extendend protocols like WebDAV. Since we currently focus our efforts on HTTP, multipart is somewhat out of scope. Other projects provide multipart parsing functionality, but not the formatting we would need. It seems most likely that multipart formatting code will end up in some contrib package, which is officially unsupported but will work. The alpha3 release is still a long way to go. We've upgraded the code to make use of Java 5 generics. Other Java 5 features will be used too, for example in connection management. The thread-safe connection manager still needs some internal refactoring. Improvements to the client API can be expected all over the place. ----------------------------------------- Attachment I: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project Since our August 2007 report, the Apache iBATIS project continues to provide routine user support. The codebase is stable, and some preliminary coding has begun as to the iBATIS 3.0 whiteboard. No community issues to report. ----------------------------------------- Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project Shindig, a "SocialContainer" is entering Incubation. PDFBox and Bennu (based on the old m0n0wall project) have been proposed to the Incubator. RAT is in the Incubator, and will need to start reporting. Woden has graduated to the WS Project. FTPServer is in the process of moving to MINA. Yoko (CORBA ORB) is being split up, with parts going to Geronimo and CXF. UIMA, QPid, CXF did releases. A number of new committers and PMC members added. Community diversity is an area that was discussed, especially with Tuscany failing to graduate over concerns related to community diversity. ======================== === Buildr === Description - Buildr is a build system for Java applications written in Ruby. Date of Entry - Nov. 2007 Community --------- The buildr community is transitioning from its older infrastructure to the Apache one. The code has been imported and committers work on the Apache SVN now. The migration of users from buildr-talk at google groups to buildr-user is also happening progressively. Development ----------- Mostly bug fixes and small improvements. There's also work on JRuby support for which patches are submitted regularly from (for now) external contributors. Issues before graduation ------------------------ First we need to fix the IP issues surrounding the Ruby license and our Ruby licensed dependencies before any release can be made. A thread has been started on general@i.a.o and another one is still running on legal-discuss@a.o but we've had few answers so far. We'll probably send a proposition and see if that's acceptable. === River === River is aimed at the development and advancement of the Jini technology core infrastructure. Jini technology is a service oriented architecture that defines a programming model which both exploits and extends Java technology to enable the construction of secure, distributed systems which are adaptive to change. The crypto issue mentioned in last report seems to be resolved without doing anything special as it seems to be not necessary based on the (limited) feedback in the legal mailing list. The River community decided to start with a CTR policy although we urge people to consult others before actually committing for all but the trivial cases. We decided we want to use Hudson as our continuous integration engine, but we have to wait a while for a server becomes available to deploy it on, hopefully somewhere in December/January. Work on the first release moved steady as a glacier (global warming seems to have no effect here :-) ) and didn't require much participation of committers due to the set goals. Currently there is no outstanding work for that first release. We are picking and scheduling fixes and features for the next release and are discussing a branching strategy for SVN before we can finally release the trunk to a stampede of hungry people that will crash into the codebase to make it better. Incubating since: December 2006 === Imperius === Imperius has been incubating since November 2007. Imperius is a rule-based infrastructure management tool Infrastructure has been partly set up. Mailing lists for dev, commits, private, and user are operational. The repository has been set up. Community Two of the original committers have had accounts created. We are waiting for the arrival of ICLAs for the others. === JSPWiki === JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007. JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program. The final JSPWiki LGPL release has been postponed due to a large number of security vulnerabilities that were disclosed to us right before the release, so unfortunately that has also delayed the move of the codebase under ASF's infrastructure. The JSPWiki user community is in the process of transition from outside Apache. There are close to 100 subscribers to the user list. The developer list has meanwhile continued growing, and new people have come forward with patches and expressions of interest on working on the code. === Sanselan === Sanselan has been in incubation since September 2007. Sanselan is a pure-java image library for reading and writing a variety of image formats. The community is still small, with a few more members now compared to the beginning. The code base has been imported and the package names have been changed to org.apache.sanselan. A release is being prepared. ----------------------------------------- Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Jackrabbit Project Apache Jackrabbit is a fully conforming implementation of the Content Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170). The Apache Jackrabbit project is in good shape. We have no board-level issues at this time. o Releases Apache Jackrabbit 1.3.3 was released in October. We are currently working on the 1.4 release. Jackrabbit 2.0, with JCR 2.0 support, will likely be released next year. o Community Martijn Hendriks and Ard Schrijvers were added as a committers and PMC members. The recent decision by the Apache Jakarta PMC to close the Slide project has brought a number of people interested in WebDAV to the Jackrabbit mailing lists. Most notably there is interest in extending and further developing the WebDAV client library in Jackrabbit. We may well end up working together with the new Apache HttpComponents project on this front. o Development The main development focus at the moment it on the 1.4 release, but there's already some work towards implementing the new JCR 2.0 features being specified by Jsr 283. Once the 1.4 release is out we will need to decide when and how to split Jackrabbit into separate JCR 2.0 development and JCR 1.0 maintenance branches. A sandbox project was started for prototyping the Jackrabbit Next Generation Persistence proposal that tries to address some long term architectural issues in Jackrabbit. o Infrastructure We have acquired a Confluence wiki space for managing our project web site but we have yet to migrate the web site contents. ----------------------------------------- Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project ----------------------------------------- Attachment M: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project ----------------------------------------- Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Labs Project All it's quiet in Apache Labs. Some of the labs have some more or less steady activity and a few have more than one people working on it, but nothing that has yet reached the point of requiring action on the evolution of the lab. - o - One interesting lab that somewhat differs from all the others is Roy's Webarch ( which is now being used as input for the work of the HTTP next-gen IETF working group. I was, in fact, very positively surprised to see a reference to from various blog posts on the future of HTTP and I like the fact that such links give credibility to labs. I feel the need to outline, though, that the "no release" rule for labs was created to avoid people from using labs as a way to route around the incubator, yet 'code-less' labs are able, in fact, to 'release' their own documentation artifacts, without oversight or the need for a community around the effort. That said, I'm only outlining the existence of such issue but I do not think this is currently creating a problem: the Webarch pages reflect the style and in doing so clearly mark the work as 'experimental' or 'researchy', which is very similar than people publishing stuff on their pages and creates a level of distance between any official apache position and the pages, even if they are served off of * domains. Let me repeat: I think that Webarch and code-less labs are a *good thing* and should be encouraged in any way possible, as long as the product of their effort is clearly marked as coming from a lab (which is the case for Webarch) and not used as a way to abuse the apache branding to give resonance to an individual committer's effort. I'm just mentioning this so that both labs@ and board@ consider this food for thought and in no way I want such food for thought endanger the ability to use labs in the way Roy has done... but it's my duty, as PMC chair, to report changes in the project evolution that might require, in the future, board attention that this is the closest thing to that (even if, right now, does not require any action from any part and it's unlikely that it will require any in the future either). ----------------------------------------- Attachment O: Status report for the Apache Lucene Project TLP The top-level project added one new PMC member, Michael McCandless. Lucene and it's sub-projects were well represented at ApacheCon US 2007, including highly attended trainings and sessions by project members Grant Ingersoll, Chris Hostetter, and Michael Busch and contributor Ken Krugler. The Hadoop subproject has proposed becoming a top-level project. In initial discussions there have been few objections, and we expect to put a resolution before the board in January. Hadoop's community is largely distinct from other Lucene subprojects. LUCENE JAVA Lucene Java is a search-engine toolkit. Development has been very active and there have been many core improvements, especially in the area of indexing performance. We are preparing for a feature freeze before a 2.3 release early in 2008. HADOOP Hadoop is a scalable distributed computing platform. Development has continued to be very active. Release 0.15.1 was published in November. Five new committers were added this quarter, Raghu Angadi, Hairong Kuang, Konstantin Shvachko, Runping Qi, and Chris Douglas. SOLR Solr is a full text search server. We continue to see strong adoption and community interest. Development has been active with many new core features being added. NUTCH Nutch is a web-search engine: crawler, indexer and search runtime. Development has slowed somewhat this quarter, but the project is still reasonably active. LUCY Lucy will develop a shared C-based core for ports of Lucene to other languages, such as Perl, Python and Ruby. Little progress has been made this quarter. LUCENE.NET (incubating) Lucene.Net is an port of Lucene to C# on the .NET platform. Development continues, but is still primarily a one-developer project. TIKA (incubating) Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and structured text content from various documents using existing parser libraries. Development has been active and one new committer was added, Keith Bennett. ----------------------------------------- Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Maven Project ----------------------------------------- Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache OFBiz Project This report, for December 2007, is the third quarterly report (following the initial 3 monthly reports) for OFBiz (Open For Business) as a top level project. The Open For Business Project (Apache OFBiz) is an open source enterprise automation software project. By enterprise automation we mean: ERP, CRM, E-Business / E-Commerce, MRP, SCM, CMMS/EAM, and so on. We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time. Community: - two new PMC members have been voted in and are now listed in the committee-info.txt file: Anil Patel and Adrian Crum; both have been involved with OFBiz for quite a while and have contributed significantly and their experience and continued help is of great value to the project - five new committers have been invited to join in based on their contributions and continued participation: Ashish Vijaywargiya, Bilgin Ibryam, Christian Geisert (an ASF member and committer on other Apache projects used in OFBiz), Marco Risaliti, and Vikas Mayur; all new committers are now setup except for Vikas Mayur as his iCLA just barely made it through - the community and activity in the community are growing well; with new committers on the project and various contributors increasing their activity the project is seeing around twice the commit and mailing list activity as this time last year, and around half again as much from just the last quarter Project: - a number of stability issues have been fixed, and general database and transaction stability has been improved by moving from the old Minerva connection pool to using Apache DBCP - enhancements and improvements, smaller iterative development, is going on throughout the project; this is one area where increased community size and involvement is having an impact - the other areas that are seeing major improvement and new development from new contributors and people who have been contributing (and committing) for years are the accounting and project management component; with this new development OFBiz is able to more completely meet the needs of industries where the project is already strong and help the project apply to new industries that have previously not been well addressed ----------------------------------------- Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Portals Project No new releases No new committers Jetspeed 2.1.3 and Bridges 1.0.4 releases have been delayedÊ A RC is expected this week. A final release by January 2008 Pluto is continuing working towards the Portlet 2.0 specification reference implementation. JSR-286 implementation is coming along at Pluto, and we plan to integrate with it in Jetspeed in the 1st Quarter 2008. At ApacheCon, all Portals committers agreed in principal to starting the Portals Applications subproject at Apache Portals. The WSRP4J project is still problematic. I am trying to learn more about the licensing problems, and why this issue prohibits moving WSRP4J out of incubator Any help from legal is much appreciated as we have been stuck here for a long time now ----------------------------------------- Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Quetzalcoatl Project Finally just recently the mailing lists and other infrastructural things for the Quetz TLP have been done and so the TLP transition is nearly complete. Aside from this, not much activity, mod_python development activity is mostly dormant, no new releases in the pipeline. ----------------------------------------- Attachment T: Status report for the Apache ServiceMix Project This report for December is the third monthly report since ServiceMix graduation. ServiceMix resources have been completely moved out of the Incubator area. We have reorganized the svn subtree so that both ServiceMix 3.x and 4.x versions can coexist. We have released ServiceMix 3.2.1 on December the 2nd. Work is continuing on ServiceMix 4.0: a subproject Apache ServiceMix Runtime has been extracted and should be released this month. On the community side, Freeman Fang has accepted the proposed PMC membership (the vote was being held at the time the previous board meeting took place). Kristian's account has been created. ----------------------------------------- Attachment U: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project Nothing much has happened in the past 3 months. We've moved our backend stuff to use gaea and vmsa as the core hosts for rule update generation. Unfortunately, external time limitations are getting in the way, I think, so progress is slow. ----------------------------------------- Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Tiles Project Releases The Tiles PMC applied the "GA" quality tag to release 2.0.5. This is the first production-quality release of the Standalone Tiles project and has been over two years in the making. Incubator Antonio Petrelli, a Tiles PMC member, would like to incubate a Sourceforge project he's worked on called Dimensions ( ). In his words "Dimensions is an extension of Tiles (Tiles 2 version is developed but not released) that allows to configure different Tiles definitions for different "dimensions" (currently they are the user role and the calling device)." A draft proposal can be found here: Our understanding is that incubation requires an Apache member to champion the project. The Tiles PMC has voiced approval of the incubation but we've been unable to find a champion. If the board knows of anyone interested in championing this incubation we would appreciate the help. Community Activity remains steady on the Tiles user mailing list. However, developer support is not as strong as it could be. At any given time there's only been one or two committers who are doing the work, although the active commiter(s) have been different people at different times. I believe the reasoning is that, for some of us, Tiles is not part of our daily work, and our interest is more of a hobby .Therefore, our contribution time is limited and sporadic. Those who are using the software on a daily basis are involved in the Users mailing list, but very few have contributed to the project so far. IOW, we haven't added committers because no one has really stepped up to the task. I don't currently see a huge cause for concern. Now that we've released a GA version, maybe more people will start contributing over time. Or, perhaps, there's a feeling that Tiles largely works and doesn't need a great deal of enhancement. I felt the board should be aware that activity has been slow. We welcome suggestions if the board feels we should do more to promote the project. ----------------------------------------- Attachment W: Status report for the Apache Tomcat Project Summary -------------- The project continues to be active on a number of fronts. There are no issues requiring Board attention at this time. Releases ------------- There were no releases this month. However we are pretty close to releasing Tomcat 6.0.15 and mod_jk 1.2.26 Security ------------ We had less security related issues, so it seems most of them has been fixed for forthcoming releases. Development ------------------- Lots of development took place, mostly related to bug fixing the reasons 6.0.15 failed the release. The Tomcat PMC is participating in the Google Highly Open Participation (GHOP) project, an effort to involve high school students in open-source software development. We submitted five tasks to the project: three have been completed, and two are in progress: - The Tomcat FAQ was migrated from a static document set accessible only to committers to a public wiki, - New documentation in the areas of Tomcat internal dependencies, and guides on programming Tomcat Valves and Realms - Improved XSLT / CSS handling for the printer-friendly version of pages The Tomcat PMC hopes to continue its involvement with these types of projects, and maybe pick up a couple of new contributors in the process. Community ----------------- There were no changes the committership nor PMC membership this time. ----------------------------------------- Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project * Notable Happenings Newly elected committers included Bjorn Townsend, Upul Godage, Sanjaya Karunasen, Selvaratnam Uthaiyashankar. New PMC members - Sanka Samaranayake, Nandika Jayawardane, Chathura Herath. Woden graduation! * Subproject News The following are the specifics for each project that has had significant activity during this quarter. If a project is not mentioned below, there's nothing to report. Axis2 We have a list of desired 1.4 features on the wiki, and are hoping to start moving towards a release early in 2008. Some bug fixing and slow but steady development happening. Axis2/C We are preparing for the 1.2.0 release. The release is expected to happen before the end of December. Axis Started slowly moving towards a 1.5 release, with new committer Bjorn taking the reins. jUDDI Released version 2.0rc5 on Dec 11. Work on UDDI v3 should start soon after we can get a final release for 2.0. The Voting process seems to be hard as there are not many active PMC members it seems. Scout Marching toward a final 1.0 release. Apart from a few bug fixes not much happened in the last quarter. Synapse Since graduation in January, Synapse has done a 1.0 release, followed by a 1.1 release in November. Committers have presented on Synapse at ApacheCon Europe, the Grails Exchange as well as running a tutorial at ApacheCon Atlanta. Synapse has proposed a resolution to the board proposing a move to become a Top Level Project. Woden On Dec. 8, 2007, Woden graduated from the Incubator into Web Services. Woden is now focused on migrating the project infrastructure to the Web services project and completing the Milestone 8 release, which is planned for December 28th. Sandesha2/C We are preparing for the 0.92 release. It is expected to be happened after the Axis2/C 1.2.0 release. Rampart/C Getting ready for the Rampart/C 1.1 release, which is scheduled to be released after the Axis2/C. Now we are testing our scenarios with the latest Axis2/C. You may find new features for this release here: XML-RPC Apart from the XML-RPC 3.1 release there were no notable happenings. JaxMe2 No notable happenings. ----------------------------------------- Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Wicket Project Apache Wicket is a Java framework for creating highly dynamic, component oriented web applications, and was established as an Apache project in June 2007. This is the first report conforming to the three month reporting schedule. Summary A surprisingly big community event in Amsterdam. Two release candidates released since the last report. 13 tasks have been submitted to the GHOP, and one task has been completed. No changes in the project membership. There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. Community The community is blossoming. We had a Dutch Wicket Community meeting on november 30th in Amsterdam. The meeting was visited by 80+ people coming from Belgium, Germany and mostly the Netherlands. The meeting was a great success and we want to organize this event again next year. More community events are being organized around the world: Rio, San Francisco, Stockholm, Copenhagen and London have had or are organizing events. There were no new project members elected. Software We have released two release candidates for our 1.3 release. The number of open issues is decreasing. We hope to release 1.3 final before the end of the year. Our team has switched release manager: previously Martijn Dashorst was the release manager (since Wicket's inception as an open source project). The last couple of releases have been created by Frank Bille without any problems. Google Highly Open Participation Wicket is participating in Google's GHOP (Google Highly Open Participation) initiative and initially submitted 13 tasks for students to complete. So far, three tasks have been completed and 2 more tasks are either claimed or in review phase. ----------------------------------------- Attachment Z: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project The project continues to be active. The development continues mostly with bug fixes. The traffic on mailing lists continues to be high. There are many user questions but many show XMLBeans as part of complex applications. There are no new releases this time. There were no PMC changes. Jacob Danner was added as a new committer to the project. Also we found out that the latest release of IntelliJ Idea (7.0.1) includes out of the box integration with XMLBeans. ----------------------------------------- Attachment AA: Status report for the Apache stdcxx Project This is the first stdcxx Board report since graduating on 11/15. Notable changes since exiting the Incubator: 11/29 voted in new committer, Travis Vitek 11/30 requested INFRA to migrate stdcxx to TLP: Future plans: Currently working toward a maintenance release for 4.2.0 expected in the February to March 2008 timeframe. This will be the first release to formally follow the new release process and version policy, a document that's currently being finalized on stdcxx-dev. Development of a large number of new features specified by the upcoming C++ 0x standard (expected to be ratified by the end of the decade) is being planned for 4.3 (compatible enhancements) and 5.0 (breaking changes), and is expected to commence shortly. Community: 16 committers 11 PMC members Mailing List Activity: stdcxx-commits: 14 (-1) subscribers, 2.58 (+0.02) posts/day stdcxx-dev: 52 (-3) subscribers, 7.41 (+0.23) posts/day stdcxx-user: 40 (+1) subscribers, 0.28 (-0.01) posts/day Bug Tracking: Total issues: 679 (+ 34) Outstanding: 266 (- 6) Resolved: 82 (+ 1) Closed: 331 (+ 39) Planned releases: 5.0 Winter 2008 4.3.0 Summer/Fall 2008 4.2.1 February/March 2008 Release history: 4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating) 4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating) 4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating) ------------------------------------------------------ End of minutes for the December 19, 2007 board meeting.