The Apache Software Foundation Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 21, 2007 1. Call to order The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 (Pacific) and was begun when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by the Chair at 10:08. The meeting was held by teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent: US Number : 800-531-3250 International : 303-928-2693 IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes. 2. Roll Call Directors Present: Ken Coar Justin Erenkrantz Jim Jagielski Sam Ruby Cliff Schmidt Greg Stein Sander Striker Henri Yandell Directors Absent: Dirk-Willem van Gulik Guests: Geir Magnusson Jr. Yoav Shapira Jason van Zyl 3. Minutes from previous meetings Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL: A. The meeting of January 17, 2007 See: board_minutes_2007_01_17.txt Minutes of the meeting of January 17, 2007 were approved by General Consent. 4. Executive Officer Reports A. Chairman [Greg] Greg noted that he's been speaking at a few conferences lately, talking about the ASF (and other things). He suggested that when people give talks about the ASF, that they contact the PRC so the word can get spread. B. President [Sander] Sander reported that our sysadmin's contract is up for renewal (end of March) and that he will negotiate a 6 month extension. C. Treasurer [Justin] We now have confirmed sponsors at each level. Partial invoices have been issued to Covalent and HP. A new invoice for the second installment for Google will be issued now that we have enough sponsors lined up. Continued difficulties with PayPal have persisted. In one case, after consultation with other Directors, we have issued a check due to a disputed chargeback not being resolved in anyone's favor. Our contract with our secretarial assistant expires at the end of this month. Our contract with our sysadmin will expire at the end of March. Our fiscal year will close on April 30. Current balances (as of 2/19/2007): Paypal $ 2,210.51 (+$ 0.00) Checking $ 33,688.33 (-$ 4,268.20) Savings $202,396.24 (+$ 487.70) Total $238,295.08 (-$ 3,780.50) D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim] No real updates to report since last month. Scanning of docs proceeding, with all incoming FAXes being immediately scanned and filed, and the backlog being done as available. We finally (!) received the full, original copy of our D&O Insurance policy with the Carolina Casualty Insurance Company. This is being scanned and will be filed as well. We are due for a members meeting around May/June of this year. Candidate dates will be proposed and floated by the membership. All received donation checks have been forwarded to the ASF lockbox. We've received none since last month. Paypal issues have been resolved by "working" with Paypal. Justin and myself are now considered official contacts for the ASF by Paypal. We have received no correspondence requiring board attention. 5. Additional Officer Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] The CLA FAQ proposed at last month's meeting was reviewed by our counsel. Small changes were made and an additional Q&A was added to clarify the future patent claims issue. The FAQs have been posted to legal-discuss where there is some discussion to make a very minor clarification. In short, I believe this issue is pretty much resolved. A pretty bad trademark violation was reported, which I forwarded to the PRC and assisted them in an initial draft (with a review through counsel). B. VP of JCP [Geir] There are no major issues to report outside of the continuing discussion we are having with Sun around the terms of the JCK license for Java SE. On that front, we seem to have come to an impasse. I was hoping to have someting more substantial to report. Sun is aware of this meeting and my update to the board. Next steps will be to get advice from the legal councellors starting with the SFLC. Intent is to validate our interpretation of the terms of the offered license, and hopefully see if they can suggest steps forward, or intercession on our behalf. Next week is the JCP EC Face-to-Face meeting, and we'll do a presentation there of the issue to the full SE/EE and ME EC members. In other JCP activities, we engaged with Sun on JSR-311, the "REST API" for Java, and was able to successfully relay our community's position on how the JSR and resulting java package namespace should be titled. Our position was that "REST" should be kept out of the package namespace in order that it isn't percieved to be THE definitive API for REST programming in Java. Sun kindly changed the title and package name, and we thank Sun for their consideration. Otherwise, there are no other things of signficance. 6. Board Committee Reports A. Apache Security Team [Mark Cox / Ken] See Attachment 1 [no report received] Jim noted that he had seen an incoming report that was signed by a key that only BenL could decrypt. He was wondering if the security team had a key that all members could use and whether this one report was sent to BenL directly and not to the security team. Sander indicated that to his recollection, 3 people had the key: BenL, Marc and Lars. This is to be double checked. Ken requested status on the CA issue and what the current plans/hopes for client certs were. B. Apache Travel Assistance Committee [Jim Jagielski] See Attachment 2 Approved by General Consent. C. Apache Conference Planning Committee [Ken Coar] See Attachment 3 Greg indicated that he knew some folks that would like to host AC/Asia in Korea. Approved by General Consent. D. Apache Audit Committee [Henri Yandell] See Attachment 4 Approved by General Consent. E. Apache Public Relations Committee [Jim Jagielski] See Attachment 5 Jim also updated the board on the status of the trademark violation noted by Cliff. The violator has made some requested changes, but continues to use our trade names in a way that may mislead consumers. The PRC is continuing discussions with the violator. Approved by General Consent. 7. Other Committee Reports A. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Sander] See Attachment A Greg noted his congratulations on the 1.7 release! Approved by General Consent. B. Apache Cocoon Project [Reinhard Poetz / Dirk] See Attachment B Justin asked why Daisy used Community Contribution Agreement and questioned whether we should proceed to finalize it. Reinhard responded that the use of the CCA was proposed by Roy Fielding and Joe Schaefer. He also indicated that finishing the CCA would be very much appreciated. Approved by General Consent. C. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Henri] See Attachment C Approved by General Consent. D. Apache HiveMind Project [James Carman / Greg] See Attachment D Approved by General Consent. E. Apache HTTP Server Project [Roy T. Fielding / Justin] See Attachment E Cliff indicated that he would follow-up regarding any export control issues. Approved by General Consent. F. Apache Lenya Project [Gregor J. Rothfuss / Sam] See Attachment F Justin and Jim indicated their desire that a Director keep an eye on the project, due to the concern noted in the report about the long-term health of it. Sam volunteered to start watching it. Approved by General Consent. G. Apache Logging Project [Curt Arnold / Cliff] See Attachment G Justin noted that the lack of quorum on votes worried him and that it is worth keeping a watch on. Jim noted that it was nice to see that they have a defined set of bylaws. Henri commented that the report seems to touch on a disagreement between Greg and Roy on the scope of a chair's powers. His understanding of Greg's view is that the chair should not be bound by the bylaws - if it's causing problems for the community then Curt can revoke Elias' commit rights regardless of bylaws. Henri did note that it sounds like Curt is doing a lot of good cleanup in Logging and that it's good to see some of the other log4x projects having activity regardless of log4j slowdown. Greg noted that he is comfortable with the Chair simply removing non-responsive members in an effort to reestablish a PMC that can reach quorum. He also noted that the board/ASF does not recognize "emeritus" PMC members. if a PMC wants to record that, it is up to them. Approved by General Consent. H. Apache Perl Project [Geoffrey Young / Jim] See Attachment H Approved by General Consent. I. Apache Santuario Project [Berin Lautenbach / Sander] See Attachment I Approved by General Consent. J. Apache Velocity Project [Henning Schmiedehausen / Ken] See Attachment J There was a discussion regarding the 'vote-then-build' vs. the 'build-then-vote' meme. It was agreed that, in all cases, what must be voted on (and approved) is the actual release tarball/jar-file/whatever. No software can be released without the actual released entity being voted on and approved. Jim to remind PMCs of the groundrule Release Guidelines. Approved by General Consent. K. Apache Xalan Project [Brian Minchau / Greg] See Attachment K Approved by General Consent. L. Apache Xerces Project [Gareth Reakes / Jim] See Attachment L There was further discussion regarding the contribution from Lucian Holland containing an initial implementation of the StAX Event API along with several test cases. It was noted that Lucian has an iCLA on file, but that no CCLA or Grant of the work was provided. Jim followed-up with Gareth and Michael Glavassevich and they said that the work was done exclusively by Lucian. When first donated, they had asked him to provide a grant, as further protection. Jim to follow up, but it appears this is a non-issue since it's covered under his iCLA Approved by General Consent. M. Apache XML Project [Gianugo Rabellino / Henri] See Attachment M There was discussion regarding the board's understanding that the XML Project was "going away". Sander noted that it hinges on the migration of Axkit and Xindice, which could be sped up. Approved by General Consent. N. Apache XML Graphics Project [Jeremias Maerki / Cliff] See Attachment N Approved by General Consent. O. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / Dirk] See Attachment O Justin asked if a report would be due in two months following the quarterly schedule. Martin responded that the normal schedule would have been one in March. Justin wondered if anything could be added by the board to the issue of so many "inactive" projects. Sam noted that a good rule would be that inactive projects need someone to mentor the project to become active again. Sander and the rest of the board agreed. Approved by General Consent. P. Apache Harmony Project [Geir Magnusson Jr. / Justin] See Attachment P Justin asked if OpenJDK was Sun's GPL-released version of Java. Geir responded that it was, but as Sun retains copyright, we have encouraged them to relicense things the ASF can collaborate on, such as javac, etc... Approved by General Consent. Q. Apache Tcl Project [David N. Welton / Sam] See Attachment Q Justin wondered if someone on dev@httpd interested in helping to port rivet to Apache 2.x; A minimal port should be straightfoward, he thought. The board discussed an email which suggested that the Tcl Project was "dead" and should just be removed. Jim noted that, within a hours of the email, there were email responses, from Tcl members, taking issue with the suggestion. This, at least, suggests that the team is active enough to handle events as they arise and that the project wasn't quite dead yet. Of course, there are distinctions regarding dead projects, stable-but-in-maintenance-mode projects and inactive projects, which will need to be hashed out. Sam noted that he was not comfortable with "halfway mothballing"; the essence of the ASF is community. Approved by General Consent. R. Apache Labs Project [Stefano Mazzocchi / Jim] See Attachment R Justin shared with the board the fact that he had been told by some that Labs was really intended to replace a PMC's sandbox (where the Lab is a new branch of an existing project - i.e. related to an existing project). He indicated that this was not his understanding. The board agreed; this was not and is not the purpose for Labs. Jim will follow up with Stefano to see what can be done to make this clear. Approved by General Consent. S. Apache MINA Project [Trustin Lee / Ken] See Attachment S Approved by General Consent. T. Apache OFBiz Project [David E. Jones / Justin] See Attachment T Approved by General Consent. U. Apache Cayenne Project [Andrus Adamchik / Sam] See Attachment U Henri noted his approval of the site but also noted that the commercial support link should be open to anyone. Sam asked If Geir was aware ofthe lack of access to the JPA TCK. Jim responded that Geir was and had responded to the PMC and dev list. Approved by General Consent. V. Apache Tiles Project [Greg Reddin / Sander] See Attachment V Approved by General Consent. W. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Brian McCallister / Dirk] See Attachment W Approved by General Consent. X. Apache Directory Project [Alex Karasulu / Cliff] See Attachment X Jim indicated that the committer summary provided in the report was good, and accurate. Approved by General Consent. Y. Apache Incubator Project [Noel Bergman / Henri] See Attachment Y Sam noted his feelings that the incubator is truly becoming a mini ASF. Approved by General Consent. 8. Special Orders A. Establish the Apache Felix Project WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source software implementing the OSGi Service Platform and other software that is associated with or related to the OSGi Service Platform for distribution at no charge to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Felix Project", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Felix Project be and hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of open-source software implementing the OSGi Service Platform and other software that is associated with or related to the OSGi Service Platform; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Felix" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Felix Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Felix Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Felix Project: * Upayavira * Alex Karasulu * Berin Loritsch * Carsten Ziegeler * Matteo Demuru * Enrique Rodriguez * Francesco Furfari * Stefano Lenzi * Marcel Offermans * Noel Bergman * Karl Pauls * Richard Hall * Sylvain Wallez * Timothy Bennett * Trustin Lee * Rob Walker NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Richard Hall be appointed to the office of Vice President, Felix, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Felix Project be and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator Felix podling; and be it further RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache Incubator Felix podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are hereafter discharged. Special Order 6A, Establish the Apache Felix Project, was tabled due to concern over the initial member list. B. Establish the Apache Roller Project WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to the Roller blog server, for distribution at no charge to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Roller Project", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Roller Project be and hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to the Roller blog server; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Roller" be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Roller Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Roller Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Roller Project: * Anil Gangolli * Allen Gilliland * Dave Johnson * Matt Raible * Craig Russell * Matthew Schmidt * Elias Torres * Henri Yandell NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Dave Johnson be appointed to the office of Vice President, Roller, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Roller Project be and hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open development and increased participation in the Roller Project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Roller Project be and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Incubator Roller podling; and be it further RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache Incubator Roller podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator PMC are hereafter discharged. Special Order 6B, Establish the Apache Roller Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote. 9. Discussion Items None 10. Review Outstanding Action Items None 11. Unfinished Business None 12. New Business None 13. Announcements None 14. Adjournment Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00 (Pacific). Adjourned at 12:13. ============ ATTACHMENTS: ============ ----------------------------------------- Attachment 1: Status report for the Apache Security Team ----------------------------------------- Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Travel Assistance Committee The Travel Assistance Team was just boot-strapped last month. During the previous few weeks, we requested, and obtained, the mailing list for the team. We are currently working on finalizing a budget for approval in time for ApacheCon 2007/EU assistance. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Committee * ApacheCon 2007/EU ApacheCon 2007/EU in Amsterdam is coming along. There were 251 proposals submitted, of which 71 were accepted and 10 more accepted provisionally as fallback sessions. The scheduling meeting took place in the Atlanta hotel where ApacheCon 2007/US is going to be held later this year, so it served double duty. The Amsterdam conference is scheduled the same week as the local Queen's Day holiday, with the result that there will be only one day of training sessions and standalone hackathon. The hotel fee structure is different in Europe, which means that the expense of the standalone hackathon was visibly itemised rather than being embedded in other expenses as is usually the case. Lacking a sponsor for the hackathon, with the hotel fee structure being what it is, and the conference expense and revenue forecasts being what they were, it was proposed that the hackathon expense be covered by attendees, to the tune of EUR 80 for the one day. (The room cost is covered by other expenses for the rest of the event due to multi-purposing.) This ignited something of a flamewar on the members mailing list, with much vitriol and mostly baseless accusations, resulting in rancour and defensiveness and lowered morale on the part of several of the concom volunteers. The flamewar appears to have died down. * Per-event teams The concom has essentially decided to split up the conference support work (and responsibility) into individual teams, allowing them to focus more closely on specific events and relieving the current shared global responsibility for all events. The first team lead, for Amsterdam 2007/EU, has been selected: Justin Erenkrantz. * Potential events We have been approached by individuals in India and Peru who have much enthusiam for hosting ApacheCon events in their respective regions. At the 2007/EU scheduling meeting we spent about two hours on IRC with Hernán Pachas from Lima, and the conclusion was to work with him to try to have an ApacheCon event co-located with USMP's VISION2008 conference in October 2008. Due to language difficulties and the lack of local ASF personnel, we expect the event will be something like the 2006/Asia conference, for which near total responsibility was assumed by the local organisers. * Upcoming conferences Events for which teams are forming or need to be formed include: - 2007/Asia (perhaps) - 2007/US (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) - 2008/EU - 2008/Asia (perhaps) - 2008/US (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA) - 2008/South America (Lima, Peru) ----------------------------------------- Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Audit Committee The Audit committee are currently inactive. The outstanding issue is to find an external auditor for the ASF accounts, but this is not actively being worked on. It's assumed that we'll be offering Justin our time in the third quarter to help on the tax return, including doing a final walkthrough of the return before it is sent in. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Committee Since last report, a PRC area under the private foundation repo was created to allow for PRC members to better track (via a STATUS file) ongoing issues within the PMC. As with the list, all ASF members have read access to this directory. A "private" JIRA project is also being created as well. The ASF Sponsorship program has its own page on the ASF site ( We will likely be requesting that be setup to redirect to that page. The current "Thanks" page is being reworked to become the Sponsor Acknowledge page. Candidate Platinum sponsor logos are being voted on within the PRC. The candidates can be found at: Once approved, it will serve as the "basis" for the other logos. As far as sponsors, we have, at this writing, 4 sponsors: Google: Platinum HP: Gold Covalent: Silver Tetsuya Kitahata: Bronze We are currently in discussion with other potential sponsors. Ted Leung is working with Michael Goulde, of Forrester Research, on Michael's Open Source report on the ASF with a specific focus on SOA projects and podlings. On January 12, 2007, we received the official request from to use the ASF "Maven" mark. Of particular note in this request is the "overlap" between the PRC and Infrastructure on how to best proceed. This is due to the fact that currently is hosted at Contegix (via donation) and one potential idea is to fold the infrastructure into the ASF. There are still issues to be resolved, since licensing is a major consideration (the AL is not required at The feasibility of whether or not major aspects of can be moved to the ASF will determine how this is resolved. A couple of mark violations have been discovered, and the PRC have contacted those entities. We anticipate no problems getting these resolved. ----------------------------------------- Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Ant Project o Current Releases Core ---- Ant 1.7 was released on December 19, 2006. Antlibs ------- .NET Ant Library 1.0 released November 6, 2006 AntUnit 1.0 released on January 8, 2007 The Ant 1.7.0 release has gone quite smoothly and is a major milestone achievement. o Development Activities There has been some discussion for the roadmap following Ant 1.7.0. We have not created a branch for further Ant 1.7.x development. This is currently occurring on trunk. A 1.7 branch will probably be created once 1.7 stabilises. o Community No issues ----------------------------------------- Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project RELEASES / ONGOING WORK - We released Cocoon 2.1.10, mostly bugfixing and some great work on using Dojo in Cocoon Forms. - We released milestone artifacts from trunk: o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon:2 (pom) o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-core-modules:2 (pom) o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-core:1.0.0-M2 (jar) o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-blocks-modules:2 (pom) o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-template:2 (pom) o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-flowscript:1 (pom) o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-template-impl:1.0.0-M2 (jar) o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-flowscript-impl:1.0.0-M1 (jar) o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-blocks-fw:1 (jar) o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-blocks-fw-impl:1.0.0-M1 (jar) o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-tools-modules:2 (pom) o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-archetypes:2 (pom) o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-22-archetype-block:1.0.0-M4 (jar) o org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-22-archetype-webapp:1.0.0-M1 (jar) For each jar artifact sources and javadocs were released too. - After the 2.2.0-M2 release there was a lot of refactoring to split up the core into smaller pieces. - There is some ongoing work on a new design of our website. - In February we plan to have another, hopefully the last, series of milestone releases from trunk. In March we plan to get the first series of release candidates together with the new website out of the door. COMMUNITY - On the one hand caused by the upcoming Cocoon 2.2 we are experiencing an increasing interest by new developers. They get involved in discussions and provide patches. On the other hand many long-term committers became inactive or "only" watch the dev@c.a.o and or private@c.a.o lists. All in all our community is renewing itself. We consider this being a healthy process and nothing to worry about. - new committers: no - PMC changes: no LEGAL - Rhino was relicensed unter MPL. See - Daisy registrations now require accepting the Apache Community Contribution Agreement ( Though it's still a proposal it's better than that what we had before. - We and the designer are aware that the contribution of a new design of our website has to be handled by an ICLA/CCLA. ----------------------------------------- Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Forrest Project Issues needing board attention ------------------------------ None Changes in the PMC membership ----------------------------- None General status -------------- Progress has been slow this quarter. Most devs seem busy with other stuff. Steady activity on the user list. Committers and other developers are assisting. We became aware of a book soon to be published about Forrest. The author has recently been participating on the dev list. Issues still to be dealt with by the Forrest PMC ------------------------------------------------ Just the usual continue to develop project guidelines doc. Progress of the project ----------------------- Still not released the pending 0.8 version. However there has been progress with discusions about how to package the product into separate sections rather than as a monolith. Forrest has a problem regarding our many packaged supporting products in the lib/core directory. Work has commenced on a branch for converting our build system to use Ivy dependency management. A new Forrest plugin is in development for integrating output with an Apache Lucene Solr search server. Such efforts might encourage new developers. ----------------------------------------- Attachment D: Status report for the Apache HiveMind Project - The HiveMind team is actively working on the HiveMind 2.0 API. - We're trying to migrate the HiveMind 1.x branch(es) over to use Maven for releases since we've had requests from our users that the jars in the maven2 repositories need a real POM with dependencies and all. - We've replaced the website with a maven-based one. ----------------------------------------- Attachment E: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project The Apache HTTP server project has coasted through much of the quarter without any significant issues. We have no board-level issues at this time. No new committers or PMC members have been added to the project, nor have any of the existing members retired. We released Apache httpd 2.2.4 in January. The discussion of what to do next in a 3.0ish version of the Apache server framework has begun on the dev list and we have created a new sandbox area to start playing with new ideas, goals, and requirements. The first code name for the sandbox is "amsterdam", mostly because I expect the first set of ideas/implementations to be central to our hallway discussions at ApacheCon Europe in May. There will be other sandboxes started, as needed, and some of the httpd experimental branches will be moved to sandboxes. The mod_python subproject released a beta 3.3.0b in December and a GA release of 3.3.1 last week. I introduced the topic of moving mod_python to its own TLP, but did not garner enough votes to make it happen this month. There was a general preference among the committers to ask for a Python TLP, as opposed to being specific to mod_python, so that may be a topic of discussion for the next board meeting if the group can figure out an applicable TLP name. There were no releases of libapreq, flood, mod_smtpd, or any of the smaller modules. The mod_ftp team successfully graduated from the incubator and have moved under our subversion tree and discussion moved to the main dev list. All of the committers are already committers on httpd. The mod_wombat module has been accepted for import as an IP-only process so that the major contributors can continue work on it within the Apache community. Again, all of the contributors are either httpd committers or ASF members. Finally, on the legal side, I replaced the (IMO, way too complex) RDF-based collection of export notice information with a single Anakia-based XML page on the www site, and then used that data to update the appropriate BIS notices for the HTTP Server project's distributed products (aside from mod_ftp, which will have to be an added notice when it is ready to be considered for product release). I am thinking of sending a reminder to the PMCs that they must look at these export guidelines and produce their own notices for any product that is designed for use of, or includes, an encryption interface like SSL, JCE, etc. Let me know if you would prefer that such a note come from the board or VP Legal. . ----------------------------------------- Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Lenya Project Things in Lenya land are kinda quiet lately, although the community keeps chugging along on the code base. One thing were we have been dropping the ball on have been maintenance releases, but we addressed that this quarter: a vote for it just passed. I am personally concerned about the long-term health of the project. A few committers have either changed jobs or otherwise moved on, which has reduced the ranks of active committers considerably. It remains to be seen if we as a community can attract enough new blood to make up for this decline. Definitely something for the next quarter to talk about on the dev mailing list. Work on the 1.4 code base continues, with a new RC imminent. The stable 1.2 branch receives the occasional fix, but no new development. There are no new committers this quarter, and no isssues requiring board attention at this time. ----------------------------------------- Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Logging Project PMC membership: Yoav Shapira resigned from the Logging Services PMC for personal reasons. Two active committers were nominated for PMC membership, however the minimum required votes had not been cast after 5 days open. Repeated requests for any vote (-1, 0, +1) from the silent PMC members did not produce additional votes. Niall Daley and Christophe DeVienne should be removed from the list of PMC members in committee-info.txt. They had been added to the list in committee-info.txt based on their presence in the logging-pmc group in asf-authorization, but there was no record of their election in the private or general archives, they were not subscribed to and Niall was unaware that he was considered a PMC member. There has not been any communication with Christophe since 2005-05-16 despite requests for a response. Michael Catanzarati and Marco Vassura have not communicated with the project since 2004-11-04 and 2006-01-25 respectively and have not responded to recent requests to update their status. Per the Logging Services bylaws (, they would be considered "emeritus" PMC members and may request reinstatement to the PMC. Would appreciate the guidance of the board on the appropriateness of the "emeritus" PMC status and how that should be reflected in committee-info.txt. Mark Womack has not communicated with the project since 2006-06-18, though there was some private communication between Mark and I to fix file permissions on on 2006-09-13. No response to recent requests for a status update. Given the failure to reach the minimum number of votes on the new PMC member nominations and the log4php termination vote (see below) and the relatively few number of PMC members actively contributing to the project, the PMC in its current form may be ineffective in managing the development efforts of the project. Board oversight or appointment of additional PMC members may be necessary. PMC actions: The PMC voted to accept log4net into the Logging Service project pending graduation from the incubator (vote concluded on general@logging, 2007-02-13). A vote is currently in progress on general@incubator. A vote was called to recommend termination of the log4php incubation but the vote did not achieve quorum and concluded with 2 +1's and no comments (vote concluded on general@logging, 2007-02-14). As an Incubator PMC member but not representing the Logging Services PMC, I called a vote on general@incubator to terminate log4php which is currently in progress. The PMC voted to accept Elias Ross ( as a committer for the log4j subproject (vote concluded on general@logging, 2006-11-25) There was an attempt to start discussions to simplify the project bylaws on general@logging, however there did not appear to be sufficient interest to continue at this time. I proposed a Uniform Project Policies effort to the Incubator PMC and if that succeeds, then the Logging Services PMC could vote whether to replace the current bylaws with that. log4j: log4j project voted to accept Elias Ross ( as a committer (vote concluded on log4j-dev@logging, 2006-11-20). Between 2007-01-25 and 2007-01-29, Elias Ross went on a bug fixing spree committing patches against 20 or so bugs against log4j trunk (aka log4j 1.3). While the intent seems to be good, there was no discussion in advance of the spree and no discussion on any of the changes. The changes caused the unit tests to fail, broke the build on JDK 1.3, and introduced incompatibilities with log4j 1.2. Since Elias had not subscribed to the log4j-dev mailing list with his email address, the SVN commit messages were blocked from reaching the mailing list. After realizing that things were going wrong, I called for a voluntary lockdown on new commits and made repeated requests for Elias to post the SVN commits to the mailing list and to discuss his changes. After getting no response, I spent a day or so generating replacement commit messages to the log4j-dev mailing list and reverted only the changes that broke the unit tests and JDK 1.3 build and commenting on the other changes. At the time of this writing, there has been no communication from Elias and no other apparent activity. The Logging Service bylaws require a unanimous vote of all active PMC members to revoke commit privileges. A vote to suspend commit privileges until communication is reestablished is in progress but is unlikely to carry and would fall fall short of the unanimous vote required for a permanent revocation. log4j development has been glacial and the barrier to entry for new developers is high. There have not been any commits from developers other than Curt Arnold and Elias Ross (see above) since August 2006. log4j 1.2 is mature and widely deployed, however extreme care must be taken to maintain compatibility while address minor bugs and some recurring issues (particularly involving concurrency) cannot be addressed while maintaining compatibility. There is no reasonable expectation that log4j 1.3 will ever be sufficiently compatible with log4j 1.2 to be released and but it is similar enough to log4j 1.2 to share the same weaknesses. The idea of a log4j 2.0 that would be designed for JDK 1.5 and higher, follow current best code and concurrency practices, would support most legacy log4j clients and JDK 1.4 logging clients has been discussed, but no code has been developed. log4j 1.3 (in my opinion) is a development dead-end as there is little motivation for development and competition from LOGback from in the mostly-compatible with log4j 1.2 niche. The log4j 2.0 concept does appear to meet a legitimate need, but development can not proceed in earnest until an skeletal framework has been established and there is no guarantee that additional developers will be drawn to the project once the barriers to entry are lowered. The user list is still active and most questions get a timely response. log4cxx: A log4cxx 0.10 is still pending. The log4j bug spree repair took quite a bit of time that I had intended to work on release preparation. Curt Arnold and Andreas Fester committed code during the quarter. Source code was modified to conform to the Source Header and Copyright policy. User list is active and most questions get a timely response. log4net: log4net voted to be considered for graduation from the incubator. Nicko Cadell, Ron Grabowski and Curt Arnold committed during the quarter. Source code was modified to conform to the Source Header and Copyright Policy. Development and user lists are active. Things seem to be going smoothly. log4php: No commits since 2006-01-25. Minimal activity on the log4php-dev and log4php-user list. No communication with sole committer. Requests for status update on log4php-dev list did not prompt any response. PMC vote to terminate incubation was cross-posted in log4php-user and log4php-dev and did not prompt any response. Logging Services PMC vote to recommend termination did not achieve quorum. Incubator PMC vote to terminate incubation is in progress. ----------------------------------------- Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Perl Project -- mod_perl 1.0 -- The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd 1.3.x. Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report. --- mod_perl 2.0 -- mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches. Recent releases: 2.0.3 - November 28, 2006 --- Apache-Test -- Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and Parrot. Recent releases: 1.29 - November 28, 2006 --- Apache-SizeLimt -- Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production environments. no new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report -- Development -- mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community - bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual. we are in the process of absorbing the popular Apache::Reload module into our project - Matt Sergeant (the current owner) would like us to take over maintenance of the module, and the PMC has agreed. we will be working through the Incubator process soon and expect to have the issue resolved before our next quarterly report. -- Users -- The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy has happened since the last report. -- PMC -- the PMC invited long-time developer Steven Hay to join the project as a full committer. quite oddly, he seemed to drop off the internet after our invitation, with neither an accept or decline response. ----------------------------------------- Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project Other than work on the actual libraries, a very quiet quarter. Version 1.4 of the Java library xml security library has now been released, incorporating the code for the JSR 105 API together with some extensive work on optimising various types of transformations. The C++ library released version 1.3.1 with an updated build system and some minor bug fixes. I will be looking to move the chair responsibilities to another person over the coming quarter due to lack of time to be able to spend on the project. ----------------------------------------- Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Velocity Project General Information (As our esteemed chair Henning Schmiedehausen is on vacation this month, this quarter's report is being prepared by Will Glass-Husain). The Velocity project is inches away from the eagerly anticipated release of Velocity 1.5, the first major release of our engine in almost three years. December and January saw a flurry of activity in cleaning up last minute bugs, updating documentation, and preparing the release. We have had passionate recent discussion on the dev and private list about release procedure. In part, this is due to the anticipated visibility of the Velocity 1.5 release and in part due to the relatively young nature of the Velocity TLP / PMC as we establish correct release practice. For recent beta / rc releases we have had a "vote-then-build" process in which a PMC member announces they are ready to release, a vote is held, then the release is shipped. In mid-January such a vote was announced for Velocity 1.5. Midway through the vote one of the PMC members expressed concern that there were no binaries to examine. A consensus opinion urged a switch to a "build-then-vote" procedure and the current vote was tabled. A few days later, a second vote was held to release Velocity 1.5 with +1's from almost all parties except for a last-minute -1 (from a different PMC member). The concerns driving the -1 vote were not serious (minor documentation / site issues), but the -1 voter felt strongly that these issues should be addressed before release. (Being a release vote, the -1 was not binding but our release manager agreed to table the release in light of the concerns). A frustrating aspect of this process was that these issues could not be directly fixed, but needed to wait for the vote to conclude, then a rebuild of the distro then a new vote. The departure of our chair (who had been driving the release) on a month-long vacation has temporarily paused this process. Will Glass-Husain has offered to push the release through to conclusion in the meantime but personal committments have led to a several week delay. In related news, we have prepared a press release for distribution regarding the Velocity 1.5. Due to the wide-spread use of this library in the Java community we anticipate getting plenty of attention when the release occurs. The release was shared with the PRC committee list (which was somewhat unresponsive) but suggestions for improvements were received from several members. The Velocity project has no board-level issues at this time. Community Changes No new committers were voted in since the last board report. No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report. Velocity Engine project As noted above, the entire Velocity community is eagerly awaiting the upcoming release of Velocity 1.5. We fully expect this release to conclude as previously predicted during Q1. Velocity Tools project Velocity Tools 1.3 was released on February 8. Work on the next 1.x version has already begun. Velocity DVSL project There were no changes in the DVSL code base. No DVSL development happened in the last month. ----------------------------------------- Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project Xalan-C ======= Nothing new to report, just the usual bug fixing. Xalan-J ======= From a code point of view the Xalan-J 2.7.1 release has been tested and is ready. The Apache 2.0 licenses are in the code now. The 2.7.1 release, besides the usual bug fixes will also have upgrades to: - Xerces-J 2.9.0 - xml-commons-external-1.3.04 However from a packaging point of view we are not quite ready. The new requirements on LICENSE and NOTICE files are being worked on. There will be one of each, but in the past there was quite a number of each (e.g. one for Xalan, one for the included Xerces, one for BCEL ...). This also impacts various targets in the build.xml file since these targets build the distribution files with the NOTICE/LICENCE in them. All in all the 2.7.1 release just needs a little testing of the packaging and the approval of the PMC and it will be out. ----------------------------------------- Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project Xerces-J ======== In November we released Xerces-J 2.9.0. As of this release, Xerces and Xalan now share a common serialization codebase. The DOM Level 3 serialization support which was in Xerces was migrated into the Xalan serializer and Xerces' native serializer was deprecated. After 2.9.0, things quieted down over the holiday season. A few bugs have been fixed which should bring Xerces-J into conformance with the XML 1.0 4th Edition Recommendation. Several users have requested that we put our jars in Apache's Maven repository. Since none of the Xerces developers are familiar with Maven or the repository we've asked for help from the community and found one volunteer who is willing to create the POMs and upload the jars. Xerces-C ======== A wiki page has been set up to track the build status of Xerces-C on various platform; currently, only AIX has never been successful. Within the last week we have had what we hope to be the final drop of the beta of XInclude support. We need to integrate this with the codebase. A limited support for XPath querying has been added to the DOMDocument class, exposing the same engine used for checking the XML Schema identity constraints. === Xerces-P === There's been very little activity since November. Here's a bit of slightly old news, some of which missed the previous report... Xerces-P is now fully integrated as a sub-project of Xerces-C and as of the upcoming Xerces-C 3.0 release it will be official. Xerces-P is now being used by Xerces-C as the basis of a comprehensive regression test suite for the public API of Xerces-C. Also in progress is the use of the SWIG wrappers to create mappings for other languages such as C# and Ruby (Xerces-C# and Xerces-Ruby), but this work is in early alpha. XML Commons =========== In November, we released xml-commons-external-1.3.04 (JAXP 1.3) and xml-commons-resolver-1_2 (XML Catalogs v1.1). These were the first official releases from XML Commons since 2003. In addition to fixing several bugs, xml-commons-external-1.3.04 added Java Language Bindings for SAC 1.3 (The Simple API for CSS), SMIL and SVG 1.1. These APIs were originally housed in the XML Graphics project. The major change in xml-commons-resolver-1_2 is the addition of support for OASIS XML Catalogs v1.1. We still have one more pending release: xml-commons-external-1.2.06 (JAXP 1.2) which we hope to get out soon. General ======= I has been noted by Michael that this comment appeared in the board minutes: "Justin asked if there was a license or s/w grant on file from Lucian Holland. Jim noted that we have an iCLA on file for him, but not a grant or CCLA." and "Sander: find out about s/w grant from Lucian Holland for Xerces." We don't understand why Lucian would require a software grant. Could you expand further please? ----------------------------------------- Attachment M: Status report for the Apache XML Project General business ================ Things are generally quiet and almost dormant on the XML PMC. No activity to report: the Axkit->mod_perl and Xindice->DB migration has not taken place, something I hope to be able to tackle in the upcoming months. No other issues to report. Axkit ===== AxKit2 continues at a steady pace. Some bugs fixed this period, though no releases made. Community activity is slowly increasing again, which we're grateful for. No activity on AxKit1. XIndice ======= Xindice: There was some development activity attending bugzilla issues. Getting closer to a release state. Little user activity. ----------------------------------------- Attachment N: Status report for the Apache XML Graphics Project No project-level issues at the moment. XML Graphics Commons Version 1.1 has been released in preparation of the FOP 0.93 release: Batik is now preparing to switch over to use Commons right after the next Batik release. This will finally allow to finish resolving the circular dependencies between FOP and Batik. A PostScript DSC parser/processor is going through IP clearance after a vote to accept it as a new addition to Commons. Batik Batik is in the middle of release preparations. It'll be released as soon as the remaining issues are resolved. It's good to see so much progress with only 3 active committers. The Rhino project (JavaScript implementation) has been relicensed under the MPL 1.1 which allows us to continue to bundle Rhino with Batik. Great news. FOP FOP has released its first production-grade version (0.93): Traffic on user and dev mailing lists has increased after the release. We're a little behind processing patches. Our available resources still don't match FOP's user base. But over all, we keep making progress in various areas. One new committer: Jay Bryant (in acknowledgement of his helping out so many people on the lists for some years now, awaiting his CLA) ----------------------------------------- Attachment O: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project Status This board report was mainly constructed by other people than me, which is a big improvement (thanks everyone). I also moved the board report to a fixed location on the wiki (, so it's easier to locate for people. The code grant for the not yet commons SSL (formerly named commons-ssl), has been completed, so we can progress to having a vote where SSL should end up on general and based on that result take the correct incubator path (legal / full incubation). What is not completely clear for me at this point, is the board report schedule. An extra report was requested (lack of commons projects in the report). Reporting next month again will be a lot of work, since my goal is to report on every subproject (even if there is no or hardly any activity). Inactive projects Disclaimer : we have lot's of active projects ! Definition list : Inactive project = a project that has no *developer* community. The Apache Way : To become committer on a project you have to earn that right, you have to stand out, submit patches, show you care, learn the apache way and have to get noticed by the current committers who can nominate such a person. Problem : If that didn't happen enough in the past, it can happen that at a certain point no developer community is active anymore. Which causes : A catch22 situation. Since there is no developer community, no one is able to determine if people deserve to become a committer. Even if you are monitoring such a list (such as I do for all Jakarta lists), it is hard to determine if people deserve committership. Solution : The only thing we know for sure : inactive projects needs someone to mentor the project to become active again. This goes for all possible scenario's : 1. Actively support forks and when they show they are capable to work on the project, get the code back (needs mentoring, grants, etc) 2. More liberal in getting committers on board 3. Actively following the user / dev lists and issue trackers to see if there is someone ready for committer ship. (is the normal way, although the focus here is not if patches etc are technically correct) I like to prevent Jakarta becoming some kind of collection with inactive project, so the first goal is preventing that this scenario occurs on our current subprojects where possible. So I would like to ask the current active developers to invest a little bit more time in looking what others are doing. I think this discussion is also useful to have on the incubator list. Releases * 13 February 2007 Commons Lang 2.3 * 13 February 2007 Commons IO 1.3.1 * 30 January 2007 Commons IO 1.3 * 30 December 2006 Commons Betwixt 0.8 * 30 December 2006 Commons VFS 1.0 * 19 December 2006 Commons SCXML 0.6 Community changes New committers, pmc persons, asf members and departures. PMC Members * Yoav Shapira resigned from the PMC The following new commiters were voted in: * Yegor Kozlov (POI) * Luc Maisonobe (Commons Math) * Matt Benson (Commons JXPath) Infrastructure news Started to investigate the moderators we have and contacting all the moderators asking if they are still active. If there are gaps, I will try to fill the void by finding volunteers. This way we prevent that lists aren't moderated. Subproject news Sections with a prefix of MvdB are notes added by the chair BCEL MvdB : Some user questions, further no action taken on the future of BCEL (on the list is contacting the 2 currently exising forks out there, to see if there is interenst in moving development back to Jakarta. Afaik Findbugs and AspectJ have forks. BSF MvdB : They are currently planning for a 3.0 release and for jsr223 they are investigating to get the TCK. Geir is in the process of arranging things. Cactus MvdB : Cactus development was stalled and recently Petar Tahchiev sent a mail to the list, saying he had continued development of cactus on I (=Martin van den Bemt) am currently in the process of informing Petar on what actions to take (eg Code Grants/CLA/CCLA) to move development back to the cactus project. When the paperwork is there, we will run the code base through the incubator (at a minimum legal). Commons Switching from Maven-1 to Maven-2 gets closer - we can now build the website from Maven-2. Next we need to look at how we would do a release under Maven-2 and whether it passes our requirements. Key: * Inactive - No activity, no one watching it. Candidate for dormancy. * Maintenance - No activity, someone watching it. There are thirty-two components in the Commons 'Proper', that is the released components. Attributes Inactive - however the last release had an issue so a new release ideally needs to be done. BeanUtils Maintenance. A 1.8.0 release is slowly being worked on. Struts were a major user, however they've moved on to using OGNL in their new version, so the drive for a BeanUtils release is much lower than it has been previously. Betwixt Just had a 0.8 release and currently actively maintained. Chain Maintenance. Used by a few projects (including Shale) and libraries, but not widespread. Limited in scope due to awkard support for conditional processing, so not likely to be aggressively enhanced. CLI Inactive. A 2.x version was close to release many years ago but then the interested committers stopped committing. The 1.x version had reached the end of its shelf-life, and though there are users of the 2.x version no one has shown interest in releasing it. Codec Maintenance. A few enhancements in JIRA, but nothing major to work on. Collections Maintenance. Some work started on a JDK 1.5 version in the sandbox a few months back. Configuration Active. Daemon Active. DBCP Active. A 1.2.2 release is coming soon. DbUtils Maintenance. A 1.1 release was made, and there really aren't that many interesting issues to work on for a 1.2 release. Digester Maintenance. There are no bugs in JIRA, and no significant enhancement requests; everyone seems content with the current release. Discovery Inactive. A 0.4 release was made, and nothing new is planned. EL Inactive. Its main use was in Tomcat, and it's not used in their latest Tomcat 6. Email Activity has restarted here and there may be a 1.1 release if it continues. FileUpload Active. A 1.2 release is in the works now that IO 1.3 is released. IO Active. A 1.3 release has been made. Mostly this was a case of adding new functionality (some from the Sandbox Finder component) and fixing some bugs. There was a screwup (method wasn't static as desired) so a 1.3.1 has also been released. There's no activity on a 1.4 yet, but I'm sure there will be. Jelly Not much activity - still in widespread use due to Maven-1, but this is fading. Another notable user is JIRA who use it as their scripting language. Jexl Jexl gets a little bit of development here and there and has been reasonably stable recently. We keep threatening to start Jexl 2. JXPath Version 1.2 has been the "current" release of this library for over two years, which is testament to the overall stability of the code. There have been a number of issues closed since 1.2 was released, however, so a 1.3 release seems to be in the near future. After this it will probably be appropriate to categorize JXPath as being in maintenance mode: a new committer (Matt Benson) has stepped up to act as its curator. Lang Lang 2.3 has been released this month. Active development is expected to continue. Launcher Inactive (2 years since a notable commit). A user did recently ask if he could help, but it's likely this is destined for dormancy. Logging The Maven 2.x files for the 1.1 release were incorrect and a few bugs have been fixed so a 1.1.1 release needs to be made. No one has volunteered to be the release manager yet though. Math Active. Modeler Maintenance. Dims organized a release back in July, since then one issue has been fixed. Net Actively working on a 2.0 release. Pool Following a bugfix release, a rethink things a bit 2.0 release is in the medium term planning. Primitives Inactive. SCXML On 19th of December version 0.6 of Commons SCXML was released. This version included notable improvements towards processing of XML namespaces in SCXML documents, custom Commons SCXML actions for defining domain-specific vocabularies and Java serializability of the model and executor instances. Commons SCXML is now also used to drive an implementation of Shale dialogs (starting version 1.0.4 of the Shale framework). Transaction Some activity - slowly preparing for a 1.2 release. Validator Active. VFS VFS had its first release (version 1.0) at the end of 2006! Dormant There are thirty-eight unreleased components in here. Nothing has threatened to leave this status. Sandbox There are twelve components in here that are valid for dormancy (finder + i18n spring to mind). Nothing in the sandbox currently looks like it's close to moving to proper. ECS There was an email in 2006 (one thread all year) offering to start up ECS2, but nothing after that. Inactive and ready for dormancy. HttpComponents * including Commons HttpClient HttpClient 3.1 RC1 is being prepared. HttpCore-NIO 4.0 alpha has been selected as the new transport layer for Synapse. Work on HttpClient 4.0 alpha continues, but has been delayed as the focus is now on HttpCore-NIO. JCS MvdB : JIRA notifications are send to the list now. Not much development happening currently. JMeter MvdB : Active as always. The concern about the lack of committers for JMeter in my last report is lifted by the fact that other people are still involved, although don't currently have any cycles to spare. ORO Apart from the occasional regexp question, the ORO is inactive and ready for dormancy. POI MvdB : Added Mark Thomas to the POI Committer list. Actively working on a release, which is planned for the beginning of March. After that release next steps will be taken in a move to TLP. All headers, notices are up-to-date and the build process have been updated to accomodate a correct release. Regexp Apart from the occasional bug report, the Regexp is in deep maintenance. Slide MvdB : Activity is picking up and a potential other committer candidate was introduced, which means more patches and more activity. I am also currently investigating if I can use Slide for my self, so who knows I will actually do some programming for Apache in the future :) Taglibs A 1.1.3 release of the Jakarta Standard Taglib is being worked on. The RDC taglig has activity - however apart from that all of the taglibs should be considered Inactive and available for dormancy. Turbine The development in the trunk is slowly being revived. Active work is done in some of the Fulcrum components (security). ----------------------------------------- Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Harmony Project Issues requiring the Board's attention: none. Infrastructure -------------- We have no outstanding infrastructure issues. We added a new mailing list for build alerts from the community-run build system. Development ----------- BEA released a version of the JRockit virtual machine (not open source) that works with the the Harmony class library. This is a production-grade, high-performance JVM. Not only is this a very useful tool for the project as we can use it to help isolate class library bugs because the JVM is "known good", it's also a good demonstration of the adaptability of the Harmony class library. Along with the continuous work across all aspects of the codebase, the project accepted several new donations of code. These were voted by the project on the dev list and have been incorporated into the project codebase, or are in progress : 1) "" package from IBM for the classlibrary 2) JSSE test suite from Intel 3) Reliability test suite from Intel 4) HTML parser for Swing from ITC 5) "javax.naming.ldap" package from ITC Security -------- There were no reported security issues. Community --------- We're still watching the OpenJDK project for opportunities to collaborate, but so far, there has been little activity there since our last update. We have voted in one new committer : Xiao-Feng Li We have added 7 committers to the PMC : Alexei Zakharov Alexey Varlamov Gregory Shimansky Alexey Petrenko Richard Liang Oliver Deakin Nadya Morozova ----------------------------------------- Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Tcl Project In short, nothing much has changed: the projects have not been abandoned (and are definitely maintained), but nothing much new is happening with them. I was happy to see some honest and open discussion on the Rivet list: Not so happily, none of the people that wants action is doing much. Speaking purely on behalf of myself, I think the best sort of solution would be some sort of "halfway mothballing". Completely closing the projects will lead to their reopening elsewhere simply to ensure that interested parties can work with them in the future. It's also a bit drastic considering they are maintained. Suggestions are welcome. ----------------------------------------- Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Labs Project Not much activity lately. A few new labs were added, but nothing that requires specific board attention. It is worth mentioning, though, that while it is pretty silly to forecast the evolution of a new project by its first few months (especially one that diverges from our established and well known dynamics), it is not unforeseeable that the number of apache labs might continue and their activity will be distributed according to a power law, meaning that very few labs will attract attention and grow in traffic/energy, while a large tail will maintain a rare and occasional bust of activity, mostly from their respective PIs. And since we are designed to turn those few, high energy labs into incubated projects, labs is probably destined to have a high number of low-energy efforts going. ----------------------------------------- Attachment S: Status report for the Apache MINA Project Apache MINA is a Java network application framework, which enables rapid development of high-performance and high-quality network applications. TLP Promotion ============= All infra changes required for TLP promotion has been finished thanks to Henri Yandell's help. One last thing is to add a link to in, but we didn't add the link by our will because we feel that we need to finish our work on documentation before getting listed there. We have great community, but we don't want the community overloaded by overwhelming traffic due to bad documentation. Releases ======== There was no releases in this period. We are very close to 1.0.2 though. 11 issues have been fixed. Community News ============== Julien Vermillard is adding serial and parallel port communication feature to MINA using RXTX library ( It's progrssing slowly, but once done, we will be able to support more transports which is based on blocking I/O. Mike Heath is working on asynchronous I/O API with JNI. It's working with file for now, but the goal of this subproject is to provide AIO API and its implementation and to plug it into MINA. Issues ====== Mike Heath has announced a release of AIOJ snapshot without firing any vote. PMC has noticed it quickly and corrected his announcement. He said it was not his intention to announce something officially and it was just a mistake. We agreed that it's a mistake and decided to find better road map to release AIOJ, which is immature yet. ----------------------------------------- Attachment T: Status report for the Apache OFBiz Project This report, for February 2007, is the second monthly report for OFBiz (Open For Business) as a top level project. The Open For Business Project (Apache OFBiz) is an open source enterprise automation software project. By enterprise automation we mean: ERP, CRM, E-Business / E-Commerce, MRP, SCM, CMMS/EAM, and so on. We have no issues that require Board assistance at this time. Exiting from Incubator, Infrastructure Tasks: - all infrastructure tasks for the incubator exit have now been completed - the main task remaining since the January report was the mailing list archives, and the web pages about them, which have now been updated Community: - one new committer (Scott Gray, lektran at was voted in just before the January report, and now has SVN commit access, Jira access, and so on setup - two new committers (Tim Ruppert and Ray Barlow) have now been voted in and we are in process getting CLAs and then the various resources setup for them - a Developers Conference (a hackathon of sorts) is now planned for the week of 5-9 Mar 2007; this is not an "official" conference, but an event hosted by a company that uses OFBiz to help get developers together to push forward certain objectives of the project; there will be an estimated 15 people attending, including at least 4 committers (3 of whom are on the PMC) - there is a great deal of community interaction on the mailing lists and issue tracker as the community grows and we are working on getting more people involved on a regular basis with access to the necessary resources to help leverage this increase of involvement Project: - we are now planning a release branch and beta release for late March ----------------------------------------- Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Cayenne Project SUMMARY We finished the infrastructure migration and launched the new site at: It is worth noting that this site is generated completely from Confluence and shows that it is possible to create more 'polished' sites than is often attempted from this wiki. Some of the techniques might be useful to other projects. COMMUNITY Cayenne community is healthy as before. New PMC Members: NONE New Committers: Aristedes Maniatis (in recognizing his contribution leading site redesign process). PROJECT STATUS * Launched the new site at * Lots of work being done on 3.0 release. * Discussions are being held on publicity strategies. Page has been created in wikipedia. * DOAP file submitted to PROBLEMS * Still waiting to get access to the JPA TCK. NDA for Andrus Adamchik is confirmed to be on file, but the TCK access hasn't been granted. ----------------------------------------- Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Tiles Project The Tiles project infrastructure components are all set up and running smoothly. The website has been migrated over from the Struts project and work is ongoing to make it a better representation of our project. Interest in the revolutionized Tiles API continues to grow among users of the frameworks it interfaces with. Development Activity ================ We created separate project modules for framework, showcase, and shared (maven, website) components. These are separate modules with different dependency structures and purposes. Since the project has not made an actual release to date there is a lot of confusion around which version of Tiles other frameworks should use. Most of the questions we see about integrating with Tiles relate to problems of mismatched nightly build versions. Because of this, it is our highest priority to get a release out that people can build dependencies on. We rolled a 2.0.0 build, but it was not released due to packaging problems and missing license headers. The issues are currently being fixed and a 2.0.1 build should be coming soon. Community ========= We have added two new PMC members from the Struts PMC: Martin Cooper and Joe Germuska. Since they were part of the Struts PMC and, thus were able to make binding decisions about Tiles before it moved to a TLP, we decided to invite them to join our PMC. There are currently no issues that need the board's attention. ----------------------------------------- Attachment W: Status report for the Apache ActiveMQ Project * Apache ActiveMQ graduated from the Incubator to a top level project in January. * The website, mailing lists, and subversion have all been moved to their new homes. Thank you very much to Joe Schaefer and Henri Yandell for their help with movig resources around! * We released version 1.1 of the ActiveMQ C++ client (ActiveMQ-CPP) in February. This release included API improvements and several important bugfixes. * We moved the ActiveMQ wiki onto ASF infrastructure. * Both the user and developer community continue to be very active. ----------------------------------------- Attachment X: Status report for the Apache Directory Project Releases ======== No releases since the last board report. Getting ready though for an ApacheDS 1.0.1 (stable branch) and a 1.5.0 (feature branch+jdk jump) release. Our budding new LDAP Studio project also plans a release (0.6) in a short while as soon as we can get RAT to give us a clean bill of health. Code Donations ============== CA still tried to push the JXPlorer donation however the PMC clearly stated their position on the JXPlorer code base which comes without a community. We will not be sponsoring an incubator proposal for JXPlorer, the community would prefer to build a UI from scratch instead. Community ========= Last month we had an unfortunate situation where an individual, Enrique Rodriguez (, was indefinitely suspended from the Directory PMC. Enrique has been warned several times both off and on the Directory mailing lists about code dumping. He has without discussion introduced major new features into the server. Without the consent or knowledge of others in the community we urged him to cease adding unsupportable code. There were several references to a "One Man Show" situation over the course of months [0] which he publicly admitted to. The PMC urged Enrique to start building some community around the code he already added to Apache Directory Server before attempting to add new functionality especially without consulting others. The bare minimum we asked was simple internal/external documentation and test cases on the features he authored so others could feel comfortable navigating and bug fixing the code to support users. None of our requests were met. Several PMC members saw the warning signs and people jumped in to try to get involved with the new services introduced by Enrique. ersiner@ and akarasulu@ tried to get into the code to support it. When we started committing code and patches Enrique had a knee jerk reaction towards anyone touching "his" code. This was unacceptable and hurt the feelings of those in our community. Enrique soon thereafter disappeared for a while (which is OK). However he left us with code we could barely support (which is not OK) after we asked him to document his existing work. Several of us just dealt with the situation the best we could. Recently Enrique popped back onto the mailing list asking for us to support his submissions to ApacheCon EU. Enrique intended to introduce new functionality into the server to support the claims of one of his presentations (AD1854) [1]. This was completely unacceptable to us. Several PMC members spoke out about the presentation yet Enrique ignored our concerns. Meanwhile a few PMC members and I began conversing about possible ways to handle this situation. With the gravity of Enrique's actions, the recent attempt to add an STS service to ApacheDS for an ApacheCon presentation, combined with his lack of a response to our concerns warranted, at a bare minimum, a suspension from the PMC. We were also worried that his ability to veto others trying to get involved with the code he authored might be enough to prevent any gelling of community around these features. Regardless no one had a clear idea as to how to proceed. Enrique then posted a message [2] to private@ which spoke about a recent Hiatus. Myself and others (trustin, ersiner, and elecharny) felt this was an attempt to avoid genuinely responding to our concerns to [1]. So we confronted him with a WARNING to respond to our concerns to [1] with [3]. Instead of a direct engagement there were mere excuses for his behavior. Contrary to the presentation abstract for (AD1854) which clearly enables ApacheDS as an STS service, Enrique later stated that ApacheDS was only intended to serve as a backing store for the service instead. This might work with people unfamiliar with the technology/terminology but it was apparent to us that this was mere back peddling. The abstract for AD1854 was very clear about the nature of the facility to be present and available within ApacheDS. After this correspondence I quickly consulted a number of PMC members to see if they felt corrective action along the lines of a PMC suspension was in order. A postmortem log of these conversations were posted to the PMC mailing list with the thread starting with message [4]. Immediately after collecting consensus I acted without a formal vote, however with definite PMC approval, to remove Enrique from the PMC: see [5] on Directory's private@ list. Overall the action applied quickly and resulted in very little commotion or collateral damage to the community. A couple PMC members were a bit worried about loosing Enrique however this action has lead to positive results WRT to his community interaction and attempt to start complying with our original requests. Several recent commits show Enrique replacing @author tags, adding javadocs and test cases. He has started to engage users interested in the code he's written and has started to apply patches submitted by users instead of introducing new functionality. Overall I think the PMC feels the actions taken in [5] were successful in at least getting us on the right path to reaching our aims with the least bit of damage. I hope this was sufficient to inform the board of the recent events at Apache Directory. New Committers and PMC Members ============================== No new committers. One new PMC member was just recently added although not yet ACK'nowledged by the board: Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot (a.k.a. PAM). Other ===== On a cheerful note we recently revamped our website which is driven off of auto-exported pages from confluence. The site is still under construction yet is looking pretty slick: Please feel free to give us more feedback. ----------------------------------------- Attachment Y: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project Summary -------------- The Incubator continues along, with much project activity: - mod_ftp graduated into the httpd project, - log4net graduated into the Logging Services project, - AltRMI, log4php, and TSIK exited Incubation into dormant status. - The initial IP clearance for mod_wombat has been approved. - Several other projects issued successful releases, and there seems to be increasing smoothness around the release verification and voting process. - Roy Fielding resigned from the Incubator PMC. - Niclas Hedhman joined the Incubator PMC (PMC chair still to request ACK from board@) One new project entered incubation: TripleSoup, a SPARQL endpoint for httpd. The project proposal is available at and its proposal acceptance vote at Work continues on clarifying and improving Incubator documentation, especially in the areas of IP clearance and related procedures. There's a discussion around cleaning up the "bylaws" language in TLP proposals in favor of "guidelines" or a similar term. The start of that thread is at Issues / Comments from last month's Board meeting: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Quotes are from previous Board meeting minutes, January 2007). "A question to be discussed later is what is the operational difference between dormant and retired." iPMC: No progress to report. "The board clearly agreed that the Heraldry podling does not sound healthy or "good"." iPMC: Heraldry appears to be heading out of the Incubator into their own project / foundation around OpenID, but mutual consent of all parties involved. "Jim noted his concern about Graffito and the apparent lack of any activity combined with it's length of term within incubation." iPMC: Graffito followup report is below. The project appears to be moving forward, albeit slowly. February 2007 Podling Reports -------------------------------------------- (Copied from wiki page at == AltRMI == AltRMI was retired in January. ---- == Abdera == iPMC Reviewers: brett, dims, jerenkrantz, yoavs, jukka, twl, noel Abdera is an implementation of the Atom Publishing Protocol and Atom Syndication Format. Items to complete before graduation: * Continue to expand the community * Handle any legal issues related to crypto code Community: * Currently undergoing a release vote on general@incubator * Starting to see the Abdera code used in a variety of notable applications Code: * A number of minor bug fixes (see README in proposed release zip files for details) * Work has been done on using ivy for our ant based build, but has not yet been completed * Plans have been made to extract the IRI code so that it can be used outside of Abdera iPMC questions / comments: * yoavs: It'd be nice to know which notable applications are using Abdera, or have a linked to a "Powered By Abdera" page * rooneg: The ones that were mentioned were Joost (on the back end) and some Lotus applications from IBM. * noel: "legal questions related to crypto" and "release vote" seem at odds. What issues are believed to exist? * rooneg: This has been resolved now. It was just the crypto notification stuff because we use bouncy castle. ---- == Graffito == iPMC Reviewers: jerenkrantz, yoavs, twl, noel (This is the extra followup report requested by the board last month.) Graffito is a framework for content-based applications, especially in portlet environments. Graffito entered incubation on September 20, 2004. The recent discussion on the status of the Graffito project has concluded with some concrete action items (see The plan is to realign Graffito to be more a content management framework instead of a complete CMS product and to better leverage the features of JCR content repositories. The effect of these plans on commit activity remains to be seen, but as of now the general feeling around the project is positive. Hopefully we'll have some concrete results to show by the time of the next report. ---- == Ivy == iPMC Reviewers: jerenkrantz, yoavs, jukka, twl, noel Ivy is a dependencies management tool mostly used in combination with Apache Ant. Incubating since: 2006-10-23 Items to resolve before graduation * to be detailed Status: XH: update on 02/15, hope it isn't too late: Since the last report, the svn repository has been imported to Apache Incubator from its previous location. The JIRA issues have been imported too, the web site has been migrated to Ivy is now built by gump, but there are still problems with some tests failure in gump environment which should be resolved soon. People get familiar with the mailing lists, we see more and more people interested both on the ivy-user and ivy-dev mailing lists. Development is proceeding. The package names have been changed to org.apache.ivy from fr.jayasoft.ivy, and a refactoring to help new developers better understand the source code is currently under development. Plans: * to be detailed iPMC questions / comments: * JE: Please follow the report template next time. * noel: "to be detailed" should *be* detailed. Are you saying that the project doesn't know what to say? ---- == Lokahi == iPMC Reviewers: Missing Report, pinged 2/9, 2/14 iPMC questions / comments: * jukka: The mailing list are silent and there are no recent commits. Is all hope lost? * wrowe: I have pinged; the last bundle works quite well, but there was integration (already started) for much more commonly available OSS DB backends. The last effort on this activity was 1/5. Will apprise as I learn more. There was activity since their November Report, I'm not terribly worried. (yet). * wrowe: One thing that the podling is ready for are some participants from other framework and infrastructure projects who want their services better-integrated to step forward to help :) A post to community w.r.t. suggestion might be useful. ---- == mod_ftp (final i.a.o report) == iPMC Reviewers: The Apache HTTPD mod_ftp Project is a protocol module for Apache 2.x which implements RFCs: 959, 1123, 2228, 238, regarding the FTP specifications Entered incubation: 2005-08-06; Exited incubation for httpd TLP: 2007-02-15 The mod_ftp podling, httpd TLP and incubator PMC have voted to graduate mod_ftp to httpd's domain as its subproject: mod_ftp@i.a.o podling Vote Thread Message-ID: <> mod_ftp-dev@i.a.o podling Vote Summary Message-Id: > 4 binding +1 votes (and 1 nonbinding +1) by mod_ftp to exit the > incubator as an httpd sub-project. dev@HTTPD.a.o Vote Thread Message-Id: dev@HTTPD.a.o Vote Summary Message-Id: <> > +1 Justin Erenkrantz > Jim Jagielski > Ruediger Pluem > Will Rowe > Sander Temme > Nick Kew (recorded late) > -1 None > > The consensus is that: > > 1. mod_ftp be a httpd sub-project (ala mod_box) > 2. mod_ftp will use the httpd lists (dev, user, etc...) > and not have separate lists Incubator (general@i.a.o) Vote Thread Message-ID: <> Incubator (general@i.a.o) Vote Summary Message-ID: <> Final tally; +1; wrowe, yoavs, rdonkin, jerenkrantz, bdelacretaz, jim, leosimons -1; none In light of this; I declare the vote passed by all three committees, and will begin the transfer of mod_ftp assets into the httpd project per their consensus and further discussion to come, and [xxx] submit this as the final mod_ftp subproject report under the incubator's umbrella. ---- == NMaven == iPMC Reviewers: brett, jerenkrantz, yoavs, jukka, twl, noel NMaven develops plugins and integration for Maven to make building and using .NET languages a first-class citizen in Maven. Incubating since: 2006-11-17 Items to resolve before graduation * More active committer involvement (so far good discussions on mailing lists) * Engage other ASF projects (Lucene.NET, log4net) to see if NMaven can meet any of their needs. * Create WIKI Status: * Web site up - improved documentation * JIRA issue tracker setup * More community involvement: mailing-list, bugs, patches, etc Plans: * Work on a .NET integration test component * Work on a release plugin * Release a snapshot into the incubator repo iPMC questions / comments: * yoavs: What does "More community involvement: mailing-list, bugs, patches, etc" mean? ---- == Qpid == iPMC Reviewers: brett, jerenkrantz, yoavs, twl, noel The Apache Qpid Project provides an open and interoperable, multiple language implementations of the Advanced Messaged Queuing Protocol (AMQP) specification Date of entry to the Incubator : 2006-09 Top three items to resolve before graduation 1. Defining a policy for adding new committers 2. Understanding the details between JCP and announce compliance 3. Making sure we are comfortable with the working relationship between Qpid and the AMQP Working Group. Our STATUS file needs to be updated wrt this report and the addition of our new committers. * Any legal, cross-project or personal issues that still need to be addressed? The whole project has not gone through release review and the license files and notices need to be checked for all languages and components. * Latest developments. * Since entering into incubation we have had one release of the java code base (M1). * We have migrated our build system from ant to maven. * Development has been moving forward. with improvements in memory footprint management passing the JMS TCK in with the java broker. * Addition of .NET client * Contributions from 5+ non committers * Successfully voted to give 3 new committers access rights * Successfully voted to give a new member contributor rights to cwiki. * The creation of the first draft of Web site * General progress on all models in the code base * Plans and expectations for the next period? During the next period we plan on improving the stability of all language variants. Working towards a standard interoperability test suite and improved test code coverage of the whole code base. To this end we would like to get all the languages passing each others tests. We will also be pushing forward official JMS compliance certification for both brokers. Would like to create a release of the full code set. iPMC questions / comments: * Brett: is it 'has now gone through release review', or 'has not' as stated? How was M1 released if license files and notices have not been checked, or has that only been done for Java? * Response by Martin(Qpid PPMC): The M1 release only included the Java code base as a result only the license/notice files for Java were checked. The other language variants are being checked to ensure the correct files are in place for when they are ready to release. * noel: Can you elaborate on Top Item #1, in light of having elected new Committers? Are the new Committers listed in the STATUS file? The STATUS files does not show any record of the decisions. ---- == ServiceMix == iPMC Reviewers: brett, dims, jerenkrantz, yoavs, jukka, twl, noel ServiceMix is an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) built on Java Business Integration (JBI, aka JSR 208). Since our last report, ServiceMix has voted in one new committer, Eric Dofonsou, but his account has not been created yet as his CLA has not been recorded yet. The user community is very active and we have lots of contributors submitting patches which is a good sign that the developer community will continue to grow with a good heterogeneity. The 3.1 released has just been voted by the incubator PMC and has been officially released on Feb. 12. This release is an important release and includes lots of new features, improvements and bug fixes. Roadmap for next releases has not been discussed yet. The confluence WIKI which is used for the main site was previously hosted at It has been moved to the ASF so that all the resources are now hosted at the ASF. iPMC questions / comments: * JE: Mentors should inform Eric regarding email transmission of CLAs instead of faxes. * jukka: Sounds good, any missing steps before graduation? ---- == stdcxx == iPMC Reviewers: brett, jerenkrantz, yoavs, jukka, twl, noel Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in February 2007. __Project Summary__: Stdcxx is a highly portable implementation of the C++ Standard Library conforming to the ISO/IEC 14882 international standard for C++. In incubation since 5/19/2005. __Issues to resolve before graduation__: * Increase committer base and diversity. * Invite all committers to join the PPMC. __Community__: The project has 11 committers (excluding mentors). Of these 6 have been (or were at some point) active. The diversity of the committer community is 54%. The stdcxx PPMC consists of 4 committers (excluding mentors). (These numbers are the same as at the time of the last report.) Recently, the stdcxx PPMC has voted to invite the committers Andrew Black and Farid Zaripov to join the PPMC. With the approval of the Incubator PMC they will be invited to join in the next few days. __Activity__: The stdcxx-dev list has 50 subscribers (down from 52 last report) and averages 4.47 post per day since inception (down from 4.79). The stdcxx-user list has 31 subscribers (down from 33) with a mean of 0.34 posts per day since inception (unchanged since last report). The stdcxx-commits list has 15 subscribers (unchanged), and 1.94 posts per day (down from 2.09). There are 338 issues in the stdcxx bug tracking database (up from 301). Of these 137 are closed or resolved (up from 120). Since the last report the team has been busy fixing bugs, enhancing the test suite, and work has begun on the implementation of the type traits facility. An infrastructure to publish nightly build and test results has been put in place: __Code__: The most recent release of stdcxx, version 4.1.3, was published in January 2006. The next release, tentatively numbered 4.2, is expected to be published in summer of 2007. All code is licensed under the Apache license version 2. iPMC questions / comments: * Brett: what is the target for committer base & diversity? ---- == Tuscany == iPMC Reviewers: dims, jerenkrantz, yoavs, jukka, twl, noel Tuscany provides infrastructure for developing service-oriented applications based on the OSOA specifications for Service Component Architecture (SCA) and Service Data Objects (SDO). Since our last report Tuscany has voted in one new committer, Simon Laws, but community diversity remains an issue with most contributors working for a single company. The Incubator PMC approved the M2 release of the Java SCA, SDO and DAS components and development continues apace. There is some significant restructuring and modularization the Tuscany Java code base underway, particularly related to SCA, the goal being to simplify the Tuscany build and release process and provide support for an upcoming version of the SCA specification. This instability is causing some tension in the community but is being worked through on the lists. For its next M3 release the Tuscany C++ runtime is being renamed to Tuscany Native to reflect its support for various other language platforms such as PHP, Ruby and Python. The ability to participate in the OSOA collaboration has been demonstrated with a project member who is not an employee of one of the vendors being able to contribute to the process. iPMC questions / comments: * JE: OSOA? ant: OSOA is the collaboration group where the SCA specs are currently being developed, see: * noel: Are there any specific steps being taken to improve diversity? ---- == Woden == iPMC Reviewers: dims, jerenkrantz, yoavs, jukka, twl Woden is a Java class library for reading, validating, manipulating, creating and writing WSDL documents, initially to support WSDL 2.0 and with the longer term aim of supporting past, present and future versions of WSDL. In the last quarter the Woden project made significant progress towards aligning with the current version of the WSDL 2.0 specification. Woden participated in the second W3C WSDL 2.0 working group interop event. During this event the Woden team contributed a large number of new test cases to the WSDL 2.0 test suite. Woden is set to declare milestone 7 (M7). With this milestone Woden's component and XML models now align with the current version of the WSDL 2.0 specification. M7 marks the first milestone for which Woden 100% passed the component model test suite. (Note: The test suite has since taken on additions and changes and work will need to be done to integrate these changes in Woden as the spec approaches Proposed Recommendation status.) Also of note, Woden's URI resolver went through a review process, its test suite was significantly improved, and its documentation was updated to coincide with the current version of the project. iPMC questions / comments: * yoavs: how's the community doing? ---- == WSRP4J == iPMC Reviewers: No report ---- == XAP == iPMC Reviewers: jerenkrantz, yoavs, jukka, twl, noel Since our last report a number of people have begun contributing bug reports and fixes through JIRA, including some huge improvements to the widget tests that are now very robust. (Thank you Trevor) Hopefully some of these contributors will be converted to committers in short order. XAP is in the midst of getting out a first release - most issues have been resolved (file headers, etc), still working through a couple things like NOTICE file contents. The Wiki has been updated with more information for both developers and users. (But probably needs updating again) Technical changes include many bug fixes to individual widgets, replacement of the logging mechanism with a log4j-based approach (feedback on how close this is to log4j would be appreciated, the code is in xap/log/Logger.js), a cleaned up launch mechanism, conversion of config file from XML to JSON format, some performance improvements, etc. Future plans: More bug fixes, better samples and examples, constant code cleanup and maintenance, performance improvements. (Initial loading, memory use) Beyond that need to discuss as release winds down. iPMC Comments: * noel: As Justin has repeatedly told a number of projects, please follow the report template, e.g., "What is XAP?" ---- == Yoko == iPMC Reviewers: brett, jerenkrantz, yoavs, jukka, twl Since our last report, the yoko project has added 2 committers(Alexey Petrenko & Matteo Vescovi). We have released our first milestone release & working towards our next release (possibly a 1.0 final release). We have worked actively with the Geronimo, Harmony & CXF projects & fixed a lot of inter-op issues with the ORB. The tools & the runtime needed to expose the corba applications as web services is also beginning to look stable. Also, we have moved to a confluence based system for our web site & currently working on the documentation of all the components in yoko. iPMC questions / comments: * JE: Please submit the report in the correct format next time (i.e. "what is Yoko?"). * noel: Your STATUS file appears to be out of date, not reflecting the content of this report. ------------------------------------------------------ End of minutes for the February 21, 2007 board meeting.