The Apache Software Foundation Board of Directors Meeting Agenda June 22, 2005 1. Call to order The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 PST -0800 and was begun at 10:03 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held by teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent. IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes. 2. Roll Call Directors Present: Ken Coar Justin Erenkrantz Dirk-Willem van Gulik Jim Jagielski Ben Laurie Stefano Mazzocchi Sam Ruby Greg Stein Sander Striker Directors Absent: none Guests: Chuck Murcko (Treasurer) 3. Minutes from previous meetings Minutes in Subversion are found under the URL: Append the minutes URIs to that to access them through the Web. A. The meeting of April 27, 2005 SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_04_27.txt Approved by General Consent. B. The meeting of May 18, 2005 SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_05_18.txt Approved by General Consent. 4. Officer Reports A. Chairman [Greg] The Board held an IRC conference to talk about many issues that are confronting the ASF at this time. No decisions were made in private -- the ideas from the meeting have been incorporated into this agenda. A large part of the discussion, and a concern for the ASF, is better management of legal issues. During the past month, we have also been welcoming our new members into the ASF. B. President [Dirk] Annual members meeting, sharp increase in press requests, BXA/CCN number assignment still not solved. Need to ask Ken about procedure Hardship cases. Request for exec session. i. Infrastructure [Sander] See Attachment L C. Treasurer [Chuck] Lockbox papers have been filed with Wells Fargo. I am awaiting a response from them. When Lockbox goes active, the mailing address for contributions will change. Office expenses have been mailed to Jim. We received a check for $6695 from IBM last month which has been deposited and shows in our current balances. We have also received a check for $2000 from Red Mountain Technologies that has not yet deposited. Current balances (as of 12/15/2004): Paypal $5471.78 Checking $27041.55 Premium Mkt. $100594.81 Total $133108.14 D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim] Jim reported that that big event in the last month was the annual ASF Members Meeting, which was held via IRC on May 24th. There was a good turnout and, in general, there were less complaints about advance notice or scheduling issues than in previous years. The ASF Voter Tool was used, with the additional result of renewed interest in updating and improving the tool, to be easier to use and possibly more self-contained. The 'voter-dev' mailing list was created to coordinate the efforts. We have received almost all the required member applications from the new members, and we are, as usual, receiving a steady input of iCLAs, with the occasional CCLA. No mailing has been received which requires board attention or action. 5. Committee Reports A. Apache APR Project [Cliff Woolley] See Attachment A Approved by General Consent. B. Apache Excalibur Project [J Aaron Farr] See Attachment B Approved by General Consent. C. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig] See Attachment C Approved by General Consent. D. Apache Jakarta Project [Henri Yandell] See Attachment D Approved by General Consent. E. Apache Lucene Project [Doug Cutting] See Attachment E No report received or submitted. F. Apache Portals Project [Santiago Gala] See Attachment F No report received or submitted. G. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Daniel Quinlan] See Attachment G Approved by General Consent. H. Apache Web Services Project [Davanum Srinivas] See Attachment H A few issues were noted by various board members. First of all, it was reported that Dims was "forced" off the Oasis mailing list and delegated to "observer" status. It was also noted that the Oasis IPR Policy, as well as other protocols and policies which affect WS (especially WS Security Standards) could be a potential problem and issue with the WS Project. Ben indicated that, not under his ASF hat, he was attending a meeting regarding InfoCard, specifically regarding security and open standards relating to it. Because of these questions and issues, the board did NOT approve the WS Project report, and will request a revised and updated report for the next board meeting. I. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cliff Schmidt] See Attachment I Approved by General Consent. J. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl] See Attachment J Jim volunteered for the Action Item of "hooking" Geir up with the Maven project, regarding their interest in JSR 277. Approved by General Consent. K. Apache Logging Project [Mark Womack] See Attachment K Approved by General Consent. L. Apache Xerces Project [Gareth Reakes] See Attachment M There was some discussion regarding the community diversity in the Xerces projects and whether it was adequate. The general consensus was that there was no need for concern at this point. Approved by General Consent. M. Apache iBATIS Project [Ted Husted] See Attachment N Stefano volunteered to take the Action Item to check on the validity and legality of linking to Hibernate, since this appears a common concern. Approved by General Consent. 6. Special Orders A. Appoint new officers of the corporation Chairman nominees: Greg Stein Sam Ruby By a vote of 6-Greg, 2-Sam and 1-Abstain, Greg was appointed as Chairman. President nominees: Dirk-Willem van Gulik Sander Striker By a vote of 5-Sander, 2-Dirk and 2-Abstain, Sander was appointed as President. Treasurer nominees: Justin Erenkrantz Geir Magnusson, Jr By Unanimous Vote, Justin was appointed Treasurer. Executive Vice President nominees: Jim Jagielski By a vote of 8-Jim and 1-Abstain, Jim was appointed EVP. Secretary nominees: Jim Jagielski By a vote of 8-Jim and 1-Abstain, Jim was appointed Secretary. B. Appoint a Vice President of Legal Affairs WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to appoint an officer responsible for legal affairs, including but not limited to streamlining communication between the Foundation's Project Management Committees, legal counsel, the Board and other parties pertaining to legal issues. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the office of "Vice President of Legal Affairs" be and hereby created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors, and to have primary responsibility of coordinating the Foundation's legal counsel pertaining to legal issues; and be it further RESOLVED, that Cliff Schmidt be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President of Legal Affairs, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. By Unanimous Vote, Cliff Schmidt was appointed as VP of Legal Affairs. C. Endorsement of MPL for dependencies WHEREAS, the Netscape/Mozilla Public Licenses are software licenses created to explicitly allow redistribution of products, licensed using these licenses, in commercially, non-open source products; and WHEREAS, the Netscape/Mozilla Public Licenses requires changes to NPL/MPL-ed code to be made available to the public under the same license; and WHEREAS, the Cocoon and XML Graphics Program Management Committee wish to include Rhino, an NPL-licensed product, in their products (Batik and Cocoon); and WHEREAS, Rhino will be included as-is inside said products, and no changes will be made to the Rhino source code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Software Foundation endorses the NPL/MPL license as an appropriate license for code libraries that are redistributed, unchanged, with ASF products. Special Order C, Endorsement of MPL for dependencies, was tabled. 7. Discussion Items A. Hire a sysadmin Justin will have two proposals to the board by our July 1st meeting: - Hiring a sysadmin on to our staff. - Outsourcing all infra@ activities to a third-party company. Discussion has started on infra@ for formulating these job descriptions. Discussion Item A, Hire a sysadmin, was tabled. B. Outsource bookkeeping Per Jason, EFF retains Silk, Adler, & Colvin for their 501(c)3 matters. Specifically, Rosemary E. Fei: Discussion Item B, Outsource bookkeeping, was tabled. C. BXA guidelines [gstein: 10 minute max] What is our policy? Who should committers contact? How does this apply to third-party software? (such as OpenSSL) See Will Rowe's posts to board@. Discussion Item C, BXA guidelines, was tabled. D. Distribution of third-party software from ASF infrastructure [gstein: 10 minute max] What is our policy? Less restrictive licenses? More restrictive licenses? Discussion Item D, Distribution of third-party software from ASF infrastructure, was tabled. 8. Review of Current Action Items o Dirk to contact Chuck regarding Treasurer role This was done, and Justin will further contact Chuck regarding the transition. o Jim to "come up" with Emeritus status policy Discussion on members@ indicates no real consensus on what a policy should be; instead, there appears an interest in NOT having an automatic policy in place, and simply contacting people we are "concerned" about. o Stefano regarding Rhino Licensing o Ken regarding Copyright Line ("licensors") o Sam regarding Xalan-J and monthly telecons Called (yes, via phone) Brian. Brian is in western Canada, many committers are on the east coast, and there even is one in Austrailia. The purpose of the monthy calls is to coordinate the scheduling of issues reported to Jira. At times, this includes some technical discussion, but if it goes into design issues, the topic is deferred to the mailing list. Summaries are posted after the call, and JIRA is updated. No votes are taken on the call. All committers are welcome. If the topic is a PMC issue, it is deferred to the PMC mailing list. Nobody has complained to date, and I asked Brian to specifically solicit and watch out for such concerns, as even the existance of a perception of a being excluded is something the board would take action on. He said he would. Based on this call, and the description of how the call is run, I have no further concerns in this matter. o Stefano regarding board expectations for new Tomcat Chair. 9. Unfinished Business At the Board IRC meeting, it was noted that the board requires a better, more efficient way, to track tasks to closure. The updating of STATUS and the listing of Action Items was one solution that the board has approved. It was agreed that all Action Items should be classified as "lazy consensus" unless specifically noted otherwise. 10. New Business 11. Announcements 12. Adjournment Scheduled to adjourn by 11:30 PDT -0700. Adjourned at 12:04. ============ ATTACHMENTS: ============ ----------------------------------------- Attachment A: Status report for the Apache APR Project Not much news this quarter in APR. No new releases, though there has been a bit of discussion in the last week or so about pushing out a new point release to get some bug fixes out to our end users. Paul Querna was added as a new PMC member immediately after last quarter's reporting cycle. No new committers this quarter. We haven't made a final decision yet on the ultimate disposition of the apr-iconv subproject, which as I mentioned last quarter is under debate. ----------------------------------------- Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Excalibur Project This is the June 2005 Board report for the Excalibur project. * Leo Simons stepped down as PMC Chair. J Aaron Farr was appointed as new chair in April. * no new committers. * no new PMC members. * no releases (yet). Shash Chatterjee has been working on getting everything in place for the next release. * most activity has been minor bug fixing and cleaning up/tagging the repository for the next release. In summary, things are _very_ quiet in Excalibur at the moment. Most of the committers seem to be rather involved in other activities at the moment with little effort going into the next release. ----------------------------------------- Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Gump Project Infrastructure: * we've moved off of Brutus and are now spread over three machines. is a VMWare instance on Loki, a Solaris zone on helios and a MacOS X server of the Oregon State University that we can use. Many Thanks! * vmgump will become our primary machine for now, we are slowly progressing to the state of stability we had on brutus. * the other instances are not yet fully up and running. Technical: * Work continues on Gump3. It is slowly and steadily progressing into a codebase that does useful stuff. Other: * Nick Chalko has taken a leave of absence from the PMC, we hope to get him back next year. * still all Apache committers have access to metadata in CVS. * no releases. * There are three proposed Summer of Code projects for Gump, all focused on Gump3 development. Mentors include Scott Sanders, Adam Jack and Leo Simons. Since Gump is one of the few python-based projects in the programme, we expect some of these will be successfully followed up on. ----------------------------------------- Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project = Jakarta Report = == June 2005 == === Status === The major change for Jakarta this quarter is the promotion of Jakarta Tomcat to Apache Tomcat, the next quarter should see this being reflected on the website, mailing lists etc. Last quarter saw a kickstart of the dormant BCEL subproject, which has seen some minor improvements. Oversight is improved, bugs are being fixed and some planning of the BCEL future has occurred. The dormant BSF subproject has recently kickstarted itself, as may be seen from the new committers listed below. Discussion is increased, though PMC oversight will need to be confirmed/improved in the next quarter. Subversion migrations continue to move onwards, the ratio for subprojects is 10 in SVN to 7 in CVS. There is a proposal to create a new subproject to contain 'webapp components'; small plugin features for servlet containers (such as Tomcat). Various proposals for Commons components and the Taglibs subproject are the impetus. ==== Goals for Q3 2005 ==== * JCS and HttpClient still need to reflect their move to subproject level. * Taglibs, JCS, Cactus SVN migrations. * Tomcat to reflect their move to TLP. === Releases === ==== June ==== * 16 June 2005 - Commons-Jelly 1.0 Released * 13 June 2005 - Commons-Lang 2.1 Released * 12 June 2005 - Commons-Digester 1.7 Released * 03 June 2005 - Commons-Transaction 1.1 Released ==== May ==== * 25 May 2005 - Commons-VFS graduated from Sandbox to Commons-Proper * 19 May 2005 - Commons-Daemon 1.0.1 Released * 17 May 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-alpha-3 Released * 07 May 2005 - Commons-Net 1.4.0 Released * 06 May 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-alpha-2 Released ==== April ==== * 29 April 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-beta-1 Released * 11 April 2005 - Tomcat 5.5.9 stable Released * 10 April 2005 - Commons HttpClient 3.0rc2 Released * 2 April 2005 - Commons Configuration 1.1 Released ==== March ==== * 29 March 2005 - Tapestry 3.0.3 Released * 27 March 2005 - Tomcat 5.5.9-alpha Released * 25 March 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-alpha-3 Released === Community changes === ==== New ASF Members ==== * 26 May 2005 - Robert Burrell Donkin * 26 May 2005 - Vincent Massol * 26 May 2005 - Henri Yandell ==== New Committers ==== * 23 April 2005 - Magnus Grimsell - Cactus * 4 May 2005 - Rony G. Flatscher - BSF * 27 May 2005 - Nandika Jayawardana - BSF * 27 May 2005 - Sanka Samaranayake - BSF * 9 June 2005 - Nick Burch - POI * 17 June 2005 - Amol Deshmukh - POI === Infrastructure news === SVN Migrations: * ECS complete. * BSF complete. * Hivemind complete. * Slide in process. * Velocity repo re-organized into a hierarchical fashion. === Subproject news === (based on projects that have had a notable event, ie) release, change of location within Jakarta) ==== Commons-Configuration ==== The 1.1 release of Configuration contains a couple of bug fixes and introduces some new features like web configurations, optional configurations, or basic reloading support. In the future we plan to further enhance these features and to perform some refactoring. ==== Commons-Daemon ==== Daemon had release 1.0.1, after more than a year after 1.0.0. Stop and wait (until started) features have been added; Known bugs have been fixed. ==== Commons-Digester ==== Digester had release 1.7, about 9 months after 1.6. The changes are pretty small; Digester is now a very stable library. ==== Commons-HttpClient ==== 3.0 RC2 fixed a number of bugs and we will be having one more RC release shortly as a few more have popped up. Jakarta HttpClient is starting to come together in SVN. This work has been lead by Oleg Kalinchevski and it's looking really good. HttpClient 4.0 should prove to be a really flexible, reusable, and powerful release. ==== Commons-Jelly ==== The previous release of Jelly had proven to be stable for several months, and after the memory leak was corrected and underwent sufficient testing, it was decided to release version 1.0 as a stable base on June 16. This is the first stable release of Jelly. ==== Commons-Lang ==== Lang 2.1 was released. It contains several bug fixes, a package name change for compatiblity with JDK 1.5, a new mutables package, and several new utility classes and methods. ==== Commons-Logging ==== No release yet, but work continues on commons-logging. Hopefully a new release will be out within the next few months to address the long-term user complaints about classloader issues when using commons-logging in containers. ==== Commons-Net ==== Commons-Net 1.4.0 was released which contains a brand new date handling mechanism. It also now contains an FTP parser for MVS, and the variety of date formats which the FTP client can handle has been extended. ==== Commons-Transaction ==== Transaction had a final 1.1 which includes new features like deadlock detection, more locking types and fixing of some oddities from 1.0. ==== Commons-VFS ==== This is the first Board Report with VFS out of sandbox. The decision to cut a release now has been delayed as a bug report uncovered a problem with filename encoding which needs to be solved. ==== HiveMind ==== HiveMind 1.1 has reached its first beta release; in addition, we've switched over to Subversion for source code control. We're in the process of voting in a new commiter, Achim Hugen. ==== Tapestry ==== The upcoming release has been renumbered from 3.1 to 4.0. We have released additional alpha releases of 4.0 and are very close to a first beta release, which will include portlet support and JDK 1.5 annotation support. Meanwhile, the 3.0.3 bug fix release closed an annoying security gap. ==== Tomcat ==== This has been an active quarter for Tomcat. Work has been focused on the 5.5 branch, which had several releases targeted at increased reliability, performance, documentation, and bug fixing. The 5.5.9 release was voted stable in mid-April, and has been gathering good reviews from users since then: in fact, no significant issues have been found with it. In May, the Apache Software Foundation's Board of Directors also approved the Tomcat team' request to be moved out of Jakarta into its own top-level project. Accordingly, this is the last Jakarta board report which will include Tomcat: watch for the Tomcat PMC to address its own reports to the board as required by foundation bylaws. The Tomcat team would like to thank the Jakarta community for its outstanding support over the years: we plan to continue working together tightly on issues and projects of mutual interest. ==== Velocity ==== Migration from Bugzilla to Jira approved. OSGi packaging contributed for Velocity core. ----------------------------------------- Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Lucene Project ----------------------------------------- Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Portals Project ----------------------------------------- Attachment G: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project * SpamAssassin 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 were released. 3.0.4 was released on June 6th to address a denial of service vulnerability. The vulnerability was announced on June 15th in coordination with vendors (with in the loop). * SpamAssassin 3.1.0-pre1 was released on June 17th. * Since 5 SpamAssassin developers will be in the Palo Alto, CA area during the CEAS conference we're planning a one-day SpamAssassin hackathon the Saturday after the conference ends. * SpamAssassin 3.1.0 is roughly scheduled to be completed and released between July 13th and July 20th. * Number of committers, PMC members, etc. stable. ----------------------------------------- Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project - Apache Axis 1.2.1 (a bug-fix/incremental release) was released on 15th June, 2005. - Apache Sandesha beta version was released on 12th June, 2005. The intention of the team is to relase 1.0 version soon. - Apache EWS 1.0 was released on 30th May, 2005. Not downloadable for now (only svn tag) - Apache Axis CPP released 1.5 in Early April. Greatly improved stability has led to less mailing list issues. - Apache Axis2 M2 was released on 7th of June 2005, with many of the changes proposed in the Colombo face to face. - Apache jUDDI 0.9rc4 was released on 14th of June, 2005. jUDDI completely supports the UDDI version 2.0 specifcation. A 0.9 final release is planned for the 15th of July, 2005 which will include fixes for any issues that surface over the next couple of weeks as well as an updated users guide. - There has been a good discussion going on recently about how to best factor things like WSDL processing code across the WS projects. This kind of design for sharing/reuse should be encouraged. - Based on Roy's feedback, we there is lot of discussion on general@ws mailing list on how to increase cooperation between WS projects (including discussion on a single ACL) - The Woden incubator commenced in April to develop a common WSDL processor for WSDL 2.0 and 1.1. Prototype code is in SVN, the web site is up and mailing list discussion has started on requirements, scope and priorities (for Axis, Eclipse and W3C). - Apollo was officially renamed to: Apache WSRF - Hermes was officially renamed to: Apache Pubscribe - WSRF, Pubscribe and Muse have been promoted out of incubation! - Muse participated in a successful public interop event with IBM at the ICAC/IEEE Conference in Seattle. - WSRF, Pubscribe and Muse all took new committers. - WSRF, Pubscribe and Muse will be the subject of a "Birds of a Feather" session at JavaOne (June 29th) called: "Web Services on Steroids: Taking Web Services to the Next Level Using Apache's Implementations of WSRF, WSN, and WSDM" ----------------------------------------- Attachment I: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project - PMC approved new xmlbeanscxx subproject proposal from RogueWave. This proposal also caused another potential contributor (Tomasz Wielga) for a C/C++ version of xmlbeans to come forward! Currently waiting on CLAs from initial committers. - Candidate for the final xmlbeans v2 release is now posted for final community review. Vote to happen later this week. todo list: - Contact PRC about the v2 release - Help get xmlbeanscxx started in the Incubator - Help get XML Federation discussion going again (still on todo list) - Draft xmlbeans charter (still on todo list) ----------------------------------------- Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Maven Project New projects Continuum finally landed in Maven's SVN. It was originally slated as one of projects which would arrive with Maven itself when TLP was found but we only got around to getting it into SVN two months ago. RepoClean is our application for cleaning up and converting Maven project metadata (POMs) in preparation for the final release of Maven 2.0. Much of the metadata in m1 is faulty because of our lax policies. We are working hard to rectify this. Maven Artifact Tasks for Ant have been released and is the start of some collaboration between the Maven and Ant projects. Steve has started integrating the artifact tasks into Ant and they will be used in the 1.7 release of Ant. New PMC members Arnaud Hertier has been added as PMC member. Michal Mazcka has stepped down from the PMC. New Committers Vincent Siveton has been granted commit privs on m1 and m2 plugins. Releases * Maven 2.0-alpha-1 * Maven 2.0-alpha-2 * Maven 1.1-beta-1 * Continuum 1.0-alpha-1 * Continuum 1.0-alpha-2 * Scads of Maven 1.x plugins Goings on Things have been moving rapidy as we are very much trying to release the versions of Maven 2.0 and Continuum 1.0 sometime in August. So almost all our effort is focused on that. We're starting to get a lot of user interest in Maven 2.0 and a lot of it is positive. In fact most of it is positive. We just noticed JSR 277 and it is a JSR that we would like to be the Apache representative for. With our experience in versioning, packaging, repositories and metadata we think we think someone from the Maven project would be ideal. ----------------------------------------- Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Logging Project Logging Services report 2005-05 ------------------------------- Projects listed in alphabetical order. PMC Report ---------- * Ceki GŸlcŸ decided to step down as Chair of the Logging Services PMC and Mark Womack was nominated and recommended to the ASF Board as the replacement. The ASF Board appointed Mark through resolution at the May board meeting. The PMC thanks Ceki for all of his efforts to get the Logging Services project off the ground as the PMC Chair! * Issues with the log4cxx project were raised by Ceki GŸlcŸ to the ASF board and LS PMC as part of his chair handoff. At issue was the perceived problem that log4cxx currently has three committers, only two of which are currently active (the third of which is currently on a leave of absence). This issue was orignally raised when the log4cxx project was graduated from incubation, but it was felt that the situation was healthy enough and new committers would be added to the log4cxx project in the near future. However, no new committers have been added to date. The Logging Services PMC is still monitoring the situation. There are several contributors to the log4cxx project that are showing some real potential to becoming full committers, given some more time. The PMC will continue to update the board and incubator as to the progress. * Discussions around interoperability between the various Logging Services subprojects implementations have been started. Many people within the Logging Services project see this as an important aspect of providing unified logging support across different development languages. What exactly it means and how the subprojects can conform to it needs to be determined, but the LS project is in a unique position to forge a solution in this area. log4cxx Report -------------- * A release is still long overdue, however most major issues have been resolved and remaining tasks primarily involve restoring functionality that had been disabled during recent pervasive changes. Jira issue LOGCXX-62 is tracking the progress toward an 0.9.8 release. * Two developers were submitted to the PMC for committer access at the PMC Chairman's request. The PMC consensus was that the candidates needed a longer history before committer access was granted. log4j Report ------------ * In April, the log4j committers voted to recall version 1.2.10 of log4j. The primary concern being that it was not released under the bylaws of the Logging Services project in regards to releases by subprojects. * The log4j committers have agreed upon a release overview and timeline for future releases. Versions 1.2.11 and 1.2.12 are going to have important bug fixes and (hopefully) the long awaited addition of the TRACE level. Work on 1.3 will progress with the finalization, consolidation, and testing of features. Timeframe for the 1.3 release is targeted for October of this year. * The current log4j cvs has a dependency on code from a related outside project, slf4j (Simple Logging Facade For Java). The basis of this code is originally from the log4j project (the UGLI api set), but was moved outside to have it under a different, compatible license (X11/MIT type license). There is planned support for slf4j for the v1.3 release and discussions about official support in the v1.2 branch. The slf4j project is currently providing a fork of the log4j 1.2 version, called nlog4j, that provides an slf4j implementation. log4net Report -------------- * Log4net is currently incubating. The incubator approved the release of log4net 1.2.9 beta which is the first release of log4net under Apache. The upcoming release goals are to ensure consistent code quality and improve the available end user documentation. * The project's ongoing goal is to increase the number of active committers and to graduate from incubation. log4php Report -------------- [No report submitted by committers, LS PMC following up as to project status] ----------------------------------------- Attachment L: Board Report for Apache Infrastructure Team April-June The infrastructure team has been so busy it hurts. We have migrated a few more projects to top level, migrated a few from cvs to svn, added some new infrastructure projects, users, "the usual". We are seeing roughly 600 emails a month on the infrastructure mailing list, excluding svn commit messages. Besides the usual, some things of note include that Nontechnical ------------ * we have slowly gotten to work on the board's request to formulate RFPs on paid staff/outsourcing. * OSU OSL has generously offered to provide us some hardware along with hosting at their colo. * we have set up a new mailing list,, which is tasked with figuring out a flexible and powerful new website publishing process. * we have sollicited volunteers which has yielded roughly half a dozen responses from previously silent people as well as somewhat inactive infrastructure participants offering to become more active. * we have found we are not currently in optimal shape for productively growing our team and getting people things to do. Work is in progress to improve that. * quite a bit of work has been done and is still in progress on internal and project-oriented documentation. * we have some promising submissions to the google summer of code programme for helping with the asf-workflow tool. * we are planning another infra-thon (infrastructure team gettogether) in the weekend leading up to apachecon which should be considerably more modest and hence cheaper than the last one. Technical --------- * our mailserver has had a lot of trouble handling the load (mostly spam) lately. Solutions being explored include optimizing the machine's configuration, patching the mail software to be more efficient, taking into operation a new machine at OSU OSL, and generally anything else we can think of. It has taken a lot of time just to keep things running, and we have seen some service interruptions. We may need more hardware if the amount of spam that goes around the web continues to grow. * brutus has been partially reinstalled to serve as another FreeBSD host, which hopefully will be finished this week. We will use it to take over some of minotaur (our main box) its duties as we upgrade that. * AMD has donated a machine for running which we will be hosting in our rack in the San Francisco colo. The machine is scheduled for install this week. * loki (running vmware) has been partially configured for gump runs. * we have another machine on loan at OSU OSL for gump runs which is not in operation yet. * quite a few (dozen??) of zones have been set up on the new sun box, helios. Various PMCs have been busy setting a variety of services up. Helios is still in a testing phase. * we are hoping to take the raid array that came with helios operational this week. * we experienced a lot of performance problems with the wiki which were solved by putting in place a development install of apache httpd with mod_cache. * JIRA has been upgraded to the most recent release. It is still being tuned to be as stable as it was before. Users are seeing a notable performance increase and fancy new features such as automated links to subversion changes. * Our SVN service had a few hickups, but incident rate seems decreasing whereas usage is still increasing. The majority of our projects are now using SVN, with more projects in the migration queue. * the certificate service ( has seen a lot of development work recently. * we have moved DNS registrars. We are now with dotster?? * Serge's Nagios installed has been moved to and reconfigured to provide even more useful information. * We have purchased and installed another PDU at our main colo in SF ----------------------------------------- Attachment M: Board Report for Apache Xerces Project Xerces-J The appropriate parts of JAXP 1.3 have now been integrated and a vote is underway to release 2.7 on Friday. Xerces-C A large amount of progress has been made on the new build system - it is now in the main trunk. Not all platforms are currently supported, but it is much easier to add them with the standard configure/make/make install paradigm. There is more mail traffic and contributers than we have seen for some time. Xerces-P The discussions about if and how to make xerces-p a subproject of xerces-c have been put off until after the build system has been completed. Xerces-P committers are currently helping out on the xerces-c build system. ----------------------------------------- Attachment N: Board Report for Apache iBATIS Project The transition from incubator to top-level project goes smoothly. The repository and mailing lists have been rolled over, and the website updated. The last step is to integrate the ASF mirroring with our release process. Our iBATIS.NET product is nearing a GA release, and so we will need to do that soon. We installed a new committer this month, Ron Grabowski. I have been keeping the PMC updated as to general developments in the LGPL/GPL discussions. Before moving to Apache, iBATIS bundled a Hibernate extension along with the JARs. During incubation, we removed the JARs and substituted stub API files so that our object files compile without the Hibernate library. ------------------------------------------------------ End of minutes for the June 22, 2005 board meeting.