NOTICE: This document is an unofficial DRAFT, and does not currently represent the policy of the ASF. The PRC still needs to review and vote on this document before it becomes policy.
NOTICE: This document is an unofficial DRAFT, and does not currently represent the policy of the ASF. The PRC still needs to review and vote on this document before it becomes policy.
As with any legal trademarks, the name "Apache" and the names of our code projects, Incubator podlings, and other projects must be used properly and in accordance with US law and the laws of your location. As a public charity and as a community leader, the ASF has additional guidelines for the use of our trademarks.
The names of all Apache products are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. A separate policy covers all Incubator Podlings.
The appropriate trademark symbol (TM or similar) should appear with at least the first use of any Apache trademarks within a document or graphic, and with all occurences of Apache logos.
When you use an Apache trademark or logo, you should include a statement attributing the trademark to The Apache Software Foundation. For example, "Apache Tomcat and Apache Struts are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation."