Release Notes - Commons Net - Version 2.0 ** Bug * [NET-24] - [net] Commons RLogin timeout * [NET-28] - [PATCH] [net] patch of FTPS * [NET-31] - [net] Freeze during FTP connect * [NET-36] - [net] PATCH] FTP and FTPClient changes * [NET-39] - [net] Solution for ant ftp fails with Nullpointerexception when a symlink is evaluated in method checkRemoteSensitivity in for a z/OS ftp server * [NET-59] - [net] NullpointerException on FTPClient.disconnect() if an Exception occured while FTPClient.connect * [NET-65] - [net] program hangs while trying to delete a file on a remote FTP Server after downloading same * [NET-68] - [net] TFTPClient's send file discards last ack * [NET-77] - [net] MVSFTPEntryParser setRawListing * [NET-84] - [net] TelnetClient#disconnect() causes NullPointerException from Linux when connected to Windows 2000 Telnet Server * [NET-139] - Trunk fails to build under JDK 1.6 * [NET-140] - FTPClient listFiles returns incorrect timestamp on freshly uploaded file but corrects itself after about 15 minutes * [NET-142] - FTPClient.listFiles() returns null for entries with space in group name * [NET-145] - Deadlock in TelnetInputStream * [NET-146] - wrong handling of timeouts * [NET-148] - Relaxed condition in __getReply causes other failures. * [NET-155] - Integer is too small to hold article number value (NNTPClient __parseNewsgroupListEntry() function) * [NET-158] - login in FTPClient does not always read the complete server response * [NET-159] - FTPFile.getTimestamp() is off by one year * [NET-161] - TFTP TFTPClient.sendFile() just doesen't work * [NET-169] - Cannot return files with listNames() function * [NET-170] - UnixFTPEntryParser does not handle file owner names with spaces * [NET-172] - NTP client should not bind to the local port when using UDP * [NET-174] - if 150 Here comes directory listing comes before 200, then FTPClient throws exception * [NET-177] - FTPClient fails to parse valid PASV responses * [NET-178] - Support for unciode character is missing * [NET-182] - NPE in DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory * [NET-184] - FtpClient.listFiles truncates directory name beginning with a number * [NET-188] - FTPClient#listFiles returns null element when file's timestamp is "02/29" * [NET-193] - FTP throw NullPointerException when enountering 02-29-2008 (leap year bug) * [NET-194] - Telnet class Exception problem * [NET-195] - Ntpv3Impl attempts double-checked locking * [NET-198] - FTPTimestampParserImpl#parseTimeStamp() is not fully testable * [NET-201] - UnixFTPEntryParser does not handle character/block special devices properly * [NET-206] - Turkish 'i' problem and ParserInitializationException: Unknown parser type: Windows_NT * [NET-208] - TelnetInputStream swallows interruptedexception as IOException * [NET-211] - setLenient() does not work across a year boundary * [NET-213] - Unsafe code in * [NET-216] - KeyManager and TrustManager not used for data socket * [NET-223] - the data connection socket is not closed when an IOException occurred * [NET-225] - FTPFileEntryParserImpl.preParse() doesn't remove unparsable entries at the end of the file list * [NET-230] - ParserInitializationException when connecting to a Unix FTP server ** Improvement * [NET-119] - [net] allow listing of hidden files * [NET-125] - [net] FTP does not work on zos (ebcdic platform) * [NET-136] - [net] Request to add WindowSizeOptionHandler to the commons-net package * [NET-141] - Add connection timeout support to SocketClient and/or SocketFactory/DefaultSocketFactory * [NET-151] - [PATCH] Allow user to force passive connections to use connected host in FTPClient * [NET-153] - Add getCause method to CopyStreamException * [NET-154] - Typo in NNTPClient javadoc comment * [NET-164] - WhoisClient should not use the platform's default Encoding * [NET-171] - Improve * [NET-181] - tftp client limited to ~32 MB file sizes * [NET-183] - SMTPClient - Allow setting of socket send and recieve buffer size * [NET-186] - [net] [PATCH] RegexFTPFileEntryParserImpl - Removed dependency on org.apache.oro.text.regex packages * [NET-196] - POP3Reply.OK and .ERROR should be final; likewise the psi fields in TelnetOption * [NET-214] - [ftp] support rwx access permissions in VMSFTPEntryParser ** New Feature * [NET-187] - TFTP Server for commons net * [NET-189] - Add netmask translation feature ** Task * [NET-179] - NET-73 "TelnetInputStream._read() hangs" fix is not included in nightly builds. ** Wish * [NET-157] - Get "hidden files" over ftp, using commons-vfs