ASF Infrastructure mailing lists

Participation in these lists is only available to ASF committers.

Subscribe in the normal way. The moderators will need to ensure that you are an ASF committer, so please either use your address or an address that you normally use on the ASF project mailing lists. There is no public archive of infra@ lists. (We often call it "infra@" because that is less typing, but there is no such list.)

Respect these private mailing lists

The infra@ mailing lists are private mailing lists. You must not forward messages from there to public lists. Forwarding to more private mailing lists (like a pmc mailing list, the board, or the members mailing list) might be appropriate on some occasions. Ask if in doubt.

The lists

infrastructure ... the general discussion list is used by the Infrastructure team to discuss issues concerning the operation of the overall Apache Software Foundation systems, and for committers to report problems or issues. This is not the address for questions about any of the ASF or its projects. It is for communication between ASF committers only to support the infrastructure. Anyone may send mail to report problems with ASF systems (however see notes about service status).

infrastructure-dev ... dedicated to developing and documenting software tools for potential *future* infrastructure of the Apache Software Foundation, developing current infrastructure before it is placed into operation, and discussing software improvements that aren't specific to the ASF's running configuration. In other words, stuff that volunteers can work on without knowing the internals of what we are using right now and without having access to the private archives or internals of the ASF. Reply-To is set to go back to the list. See public archives.

infrastructure-private ... The core infra@ team only. Much lower traffic and focused on the infrastructure team working directly on the issues that are most pressing at any particular point in time. Think of this as "infrastructure-operations" where critical problems are addressed. General discussion about present and future infrastructural development must occur on the infrastructure@ or infrastructure-dev@ list. Critical or sensitive issues are then escalated to this operations list. Subscriptions are moderated by the infra team, and restricted to ASF members and current infrastructure volunteers. Only subscribers can post. Everyone else cannot. Other messages are not moderated through. Reply-To is set to go back to the list.

infrastructure-cvs ... the SVN commit messages for the ASF Infrastructure trunk.

infrastructure-issues ... messages from the INFRA Issue Tracker. Only ASF committers and people invited by the infra@ team can join. Only Jira can post. To "post" to this list you file a Jira comment which Jira sends to the list. Reply-To is set to the Jira mail-to-comment bridge.

site-cvs ... the SVN commit messages for the ASF Infrastructure website (at /dev/ and /foundation/ etc).

site-dev The site-dev list was formed to allow for discussion of every aspect of the small number of websites that are centrally managed by the ASF (e.g. /dev/) and for co-ordination of infrastructure needs and publishing methods for all ASF project websites. Participation in these lists is NOT limited to committers, but rather to any committer or interested party invited by a committer (please would the committer send email to site-dev-owner). The list is normally low volume and aims to discsuss all aspects of the websites, from creation tools through to look and feel.