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Tucows Kernel
Software for Win95/98,NT,Mac,OS2 Linux Kernel
Linuxberg Slackware
The Coolest Place for Linux Software. Slackware and documentation
PDAcentral CPAN
PDAcentral with software for your PDA The Perl software pages and distribution.
AllMacintosh Apache
The Coolest Place for Macintosh Software. The Apache HTTP Server Project pages and distribution.
Squid PHP
Squid Object Cache The Hypertext Preprocessor
Debian LDP
The Debian Linux The Linux Documentation Project
Samba GNU
The free SMB client and server pages and distribution. GNU Project software
RFCs Internet Drafts
Internet Request for Comments. Internet Drafts.
Comprehensive Text Archive Network. Clients, servers and mirror software for FTP.
Highly customizable opens source text editor.

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